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Name Address
000159508 Vidin Municipality България, гр.Видин, 3700, пл. "Бдинци" № 2

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
District info point - Vidin 13.12.2015 221 505.55 221 505.55 0.00 221 505.55 37 Closed (completion date)
Care in a family environment for disadvantaged people in the municipality of Vidin 03.05.2016 874 624.48 874 624.48 0.00 839 277.75 23 Closed (completion date)
Hot lunch in the municipality of Vidin 01.06.2016 973 628.22 973 628.22 0.00 973 628.22 39 Closed (completion date)
Sustainable development of services for inclusion in Vidin Municipality 01.07.2016 952 288.20 952 288.20 0.00 952 288.20 87 Closed (completion date)
"Completion of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP ) - Vidin - Second Phase " 11.08.2016 12 066 591.40 11 634 607.40 431 984.00 11 634 607.40 26 Closed (completion date)
Together, for creating youth employment and sustainable working environment in Vidin Municipality 11.08.2016 290 728.68 290 728.68 0.00 161 204.49 19 Closed (completion date)
"Technical support for implementation of the investment programme of Vidin Municipality" 26.09.2016 106 231.00 106 231.00 0.00 106 231.00 87 Closed (completion date)
Reconstruction of the central pedestrian zone 01.06.2017 11 138 431.24 11 138 431.24 0.00 11 138 431.24 30 Closed (completion date)
Improving the educational infrastructure in Vidin 04.10.2017 15 172 748.44 15 172 748.44 0.00 15 218 683.34 30 Closed (completion date)
"District info point - Vidin" 01.01.2019 339 463.71 339 463.71 0.00 339 463.71 36 Closed (completion date)
United for a better life 03.06.2019 588 065.47 588 065.47 0.00 588 065.47 31 Closed (completion date)
United for a better life 03.06.2019 170 891.70 170 891.70 0.00 170 891.70 31 Closed (completion date)
Improving Air Quality in Vidin Municipality 15.08.2019 14 566 791.78 14 566 791.78 0.00 14 566 791.78 57 Closed (completion date)
"Patronage care for elderly and people with disabilities in Vidin Municipality" 16.03.2020 422 940.00 422 940.00 0.00 416 115.15 11 Closed (completion date)
"Development of a Program for reducing the levels of fine dust particles10 and reaching the established norms for their content in the atmospheric air in the Municipality of Vidin with an action plan for the period 2021-2025" 13.06.2020 75 877.44 75 877.44 0.00 75 877.44 12 Closed (completion date)
Construction of Social Housing in Vidin 23.10.2020 2 128 992.09 2 128 992.09 0.00 2 128 992.09 30 Closed (completion date)
Implementation of energy efficiency measures in multi-family residential buildings on the territory of Vidin Town 11.12.2020 3 635 228.96 3 635 228.96 0.00 2 281 347.36 37 In execution (starting date)
Restoration of the Synagogue in Vidin and its conversion into a tourist site “Cultural center Jules Pascin” 29.12.2020 8 054 491.97 8 054 491.97 0.00 8 054 491.97 30 Closed (completion date)
Reconstruction of the central pedestrian zone - 4 Etap 30.12.2020 1 447 243.97 1 270 954.87 176 289.10 1 270 954.87 30 Closed (completion date)
"3.1 - Hot lunch in the conditions of the pandemic of COVID-19 in the municipality of Vidin" 01.01.2021 658 352.20 658 352.20 0.00 658 352.20 21 Closed (completion date)
"Improving energy efficiency in municipal administrative building" 27.01.2021 3 236 714.58 3 236 714.58 0.00 3 236 714.58 30 Closed (completion date)
"Patronage Care + in the Municipality of Vidin" 01.02.2021 831 531.35 831 531.35 0.00 831 531.35 13 Closed (completion date)
"District info point - Vidin" 01.01.2022 236 917.24 236 917.24 0.00 236 917.24 24 Closed (completion date)
Patronage Care + in the Municipality of Vidin 27.02.2022 455 226.49 455 226.49 0.00 455 226.49 6 Closed (completion date)
Implementation of energy conservation measures to establish a building with nearly zero energy consumption in "St. St. Cyril and Methodius "- Vidin 29.04.2022 2 856 455.50 2 856 455.50 0.00 703 883.40 24 In execution (starting date)
Integrated Approach for Social and Economic Integration of vulnerable groups in the Municipality of Vidin 05.07.2022 279 743.36 279 743.36 0.00 279 743.36 17 Closed (completion date)
Integrated Approach for Social and Economic Integration of vulnerable groups in the Municipality of Vidin 05.07.2022 1 028 472.98 1 028 472.98 0.00 1 028 472.98 17 Closed (completion date)
Patronage Care + in the Municipality of Vidin 28.08.2022 173 597.76 173 597.76 0.00 173 597.76 6 Closed (completion date)
Hot lunch in Vidin Municipality 03.10.2022 1 055 115.60 1 055 115.60 0.00 794 899.20 27 Contracted
Home care in Vidin municipality 20.02.2023 2 893 063.09 2 893 063.09 0.00 1 893 641.57 23 In execution (starting date)
Strengthening the municipal capacity in the Municipality of Vidin 20.03.2023 366 886.00 366 886.00 0.00 259 493.69 24 In execution (starting date)
Support for successful preparation and implementation of projects under PRD 2021-2027 11.07.2023 157 877.27 157 877.27 0.00 157 877.27 6 Closed (completion date)
"Rehabilitation and modernization of the system for external artificial lighting in the city of Vidin" 18.08.2023 390 607.76 390 607.76 0.00 0.00 18 In execution (starting date)
Major renovation of the "Personal Development Support Center - City Student Dormitory", Vidin 04.12.2023 2 756 226.83 2 756 226.83 0.00 0.00 24 In execution (starting date)
"District info point - Vidin" 01.01.2024 713 904.24 713 904.24 0.00 142 780.85 72 In execution (starting date)
Modernization of the educational environment in the "Rusalka" kindergarten, Vidin 16.01.2024 1 301 251.85 1 301 251.85 0.00 0.00 24 In execution (starting date)
Modernization of the educational environment in the "Sinchets" kindergarten, Vidin 16.01.2024 990 337.27 990 337.27 0.00 0.00 24 In execution (starting date)
Modernization of the educational environment in the "Slaveyche" kindergarten, Vidin 16.01.2024 504 033.25 504 033.25 0.00 0.00 24 In execution (starting date)
Modernization of the educational environment in the "Arabela" kindergarten, Vidin 23.01.2024 485 056.41 485 056.41 0.00 0.00 24 In execution (starting date)
FOR CLEANER AIR IN VIDIN MUNICIPALITY 25.04.2024 23 452 193.46 23 452 193.46 0.00 1 172 609.67 60 In execution (starting date)
"Introduction of measures to improve the energy efficiency of sports buildings at the Georgi Benkovski stadium, Vidin" 24.06.2024 1 493 013.72 1 493 013.72 0.00 0.00 24 In execution (starting date)
"Introduction of measures to improve the energy efficiency of "Grebna baza", Vidin" 24.06.2024 1 180 891.21 1 143 114.70 37 776.51 0.00 24 In execution (starting date)
Reformation of the Retirement Home in the village of Kutovo 31.07.2024 2 054 637.16 2 054 637.16 0.00 0.00 20 In execution (starting date)
Preparatory actions for the creation of a Local Initiative Fishing Group Vidin - Novo selo - Bregovo 13.09.2024 22 489.00 22 489.00 0.00 0.00 3 In execution (starting date)

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a Partner (2)

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a contractor (2)

The organization does not participate in projects as a Subcontractor

The organization does not participate in projects as a member of the Consortium


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).