Saved trees

Programme: Regions in Growth

Planning region: All

Budget: 3 128 660 666.89

Budget allocation by fund

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Budget of the Operational Programme Regions in Growth by funds

Programming Period ERDF NF Total
2014 0.00 0.00 0.00
2015 423 927 698.27 74 810 770.28 498 738 468.55
2016 425 653 491.99 75 115 322.12 500 768 814.11
2017 386 667 757.32 68 235 486.59 454 903 243.91
2018 399 753 724.93 70 544 775.00 470 298 499.93
2019 465 738 944.27 82 189 225.44 547 928 169.71
2020 409 885 020.82 72 332 650.73 482 217 671.55
2021 0.00 0.00 0.00
2022 0.00 0.00 0.00
2023 147 734 929.26 26 070 869.87 173 805 799.13
2024 0.00 0.00 0.00
2025 0.00 0.00 0.00
2026 0.00 0.00 0.00
2027 0.00 0.00 0.00
2028 0.00 0.00 0.00
2029 0.00 0.00 0.00
2030 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 2 659 361 566.86 469 299 100.03 3 128 660 666.89

Implementation of the Operational Programme Regions in Growth by year

Year Budget * Contracted Amounts ** Actual amounts paid ***
Total EU Funding NF Funding Total-Grants EU Funding % of Implementation**** Total EU Funding % of Implementation****
2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2015 498 738 468.55 423 927 698.27 74 810 770.28 66 091 511.09 56 177 784.41 13.25 1 603 431.54 1 362 916.78 0.32
2016 999 507 282.66 849 581 190.26 149 926 092.40 1 056 671 555.07 898 170 122.19 105.72 144 960 272.88 123 216 231.63 14.50
2017 1 454 410 526.57 1 236 248 947.58 218 161 578.99 1 699 499 810.52 1 444 573 489.38 116.85 543 742 630.67 466 629 296.43 37.39
2018 1 924 709 026.50 1 636 002 672.51 288 706 353.99 2 165 650 018.74 1 840 801 166.43 112.52 1 141 391 738.94 974 761 447.27 59.30
2019 2 472 637 196.21 2 101 741 616.78 370 895 579.43 2 306 258 390.18 1 960 318 282.09 93.27 1 553 542 187.61 1 328 432 917.37 62.83
2020 2 954 854 867.76 2 511 626 637.60 443 228 230.16 2 753 495 518.48 2 340 469 841.14 93.19 1 854 169 221.40 1 588 500 168.95 62.75
2021 2 954 854 867.76 2 511 626 637.60 443 228 230.16 2 829 466 825.92 2 405 045 452.47 95.76 2 124 748 718.65 1 821 254 074.00 71.91
2022 2 954 854 867.76 2 511 626 637.60 443 228 230.16 2 975 641 968.05 2 548 684 903.35 100.70 2 296 488 262.03 1 975 546 350.25 77.72
2023 3 128 660 666.89 2 659 361 566.86 469 299 100.03 3 120 819 411.06 2 688 076 335.57 99.75 2 868 255 553.25 2 487 667 437.94 91.68
2024 3 128 660 666.89 2 659 361 566.86 469 299 100.03 3 120 819 411.06 2 688 076 335.57 99.75 3 029 116 050.75 2 641 294 678.55 96.82
2025 3 128 660 666.89 2 659 361 566.86 469 299 100.03 3 120 819 411.06 2 688 076 335.57 99.75 3 032 172 621.13 2 643 862 266.30 96.92
2026 3 128 660 666.89 2 659 361 566.86 469 299 100.03 3 120 819 411.06 2 688 076 335.57 99.75 3 032 172 621.13 2 643 862 266.30 96.92
2027 3 128 660 666.89 2 659 361 566.86 469 299 100.03 3 120 819 411.06 2 688 076 335.57 99.75 3 032 172 621.13 2 643 862 266.30 96.92
2028 3 128 660 666.89 2 659 361 566.86 469 299 100.03 3 120 819 411.06 2 688 076 335.57 99.75 3 032 172 621.13 2 643 862 266.30 96.92
2029 3 128 660 666.89 2 659 361 566.86 469 299 100.03 3 120 819 411.06 2 688 076 335.57 99.75 3 032 172 621.13 2 643 862 266.30 96.92
2030 3 128 660 666.89 2 659 361 566.86 469 299 100.03 3 120 819 411.06 2 688 076 335.57 99.75 3 032 172 621.13 2 643 862 266.30 96.92
Total 3 128 660 666.89 2 659 361 566.86 469 299 100.03 3 120 819 411.06 2 688 076 335.57 99.75 3 032 172 621.13 2 643 862 266.30 96.92


* - Operational Programme cumulative budget by year. The budget includes the performance reserve in the amount of 6%.
** - Cumulative amount of the contracted funds
*** - The amount of the actual amounts paid cumulative
**** - A percentage of the total to the total program budget. For the RDP, the amounts include only the implementation of grant procedures announced in the UMIS.
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).