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Name Address
000215630 Gabrovo Municipality България, гр.Габрово, 5300, пл. " Възраждане" №3

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
"Functioning provision of regional information centre - Gabrovo" 13.12.2015 296 280.35 296 280.35 0.00 296 280.35 37 Closed (completion date)
"Spport for independent life of elderly and people with disabilities" 01.02.2016 500 000.00 500 000.00 0.00 403 663.35 20 Closed (completion date)
Budget line of Gabrovo Municipality for implementation of measures for sustainable and integrated urban development 24.06.2016 119 150.78 119 150.78 0.00 119 150.78 60 Closed (completion date)
Provision of Hot Meals in Gabrovo Municipality 2016 - 2020 01.07.2016 637 239.93 637 239.93 0.00 637 239.93 46 Closed (completion date)
Complex for social-health services for children and families 01.09.2016 1 031 543.08 1 031 543.08 0.00 1 031 543.08 85 Closed (completion date)
Gabrovo – Investments in the Creation of a Contemporary Urban Environment 15.09.2016 10 100 601.17 7 271 743.57 2 828 857.60 7 271 743.57 30 Closed (completion date)
Investments in the Creation of Contemporary Educational Infrastructure in Gabrovo Municipality 23.12.2016 4 238 910.85 3 788 188.31 450 722.54 3 788 188.31 30 Closed (completion date)
Development of sustainable public transport of Gabrovo city 17.07.2017 11 132 180.55 8 292 193.07 2 839 987.48 8 292 168.94 48 Closed (completion date)
Integration measures for increasing of school preparedness of the children in Gabrovo municipality 27.07.2017 500 000.00 500 000.00 0.00 448 968.89 29 Closed (completion date)
Improvement of the Social Infrastructure for Children Services 14.02.2018 244 547.94 187 103.02 57 444.92 187 103.02 18 Closed (completion date)
Functioning provision of Information district point - Gabrovo in the period 2019-2021" 01.01.2019 350 864.34 350 864.34 0.00 350 864.34 36 Closed (completion date)
Builing of environment, allowing of quality services provision for elderly and disabled people 18.01.2019 1 077 782.93 1 077 782.93 0.00 1 077 782.93 24 Closed (completion date)
Rehabilitation of "Sinkevitsa" dam and its facilities, located in Slavovtsi, Gabrovo. 13.02.2019 277 621.56 277 621.56 0.00 277 621.56 29 Closed (completion date)
"Patronage care provision for elderly and disabled people in Gabrovo municipality|" 04.07.2019 531 679.04 531 679.04 0.00 306 131.90 18 Closed (completion date)
Patronage care provision for elderly and disabled people in Gabrovo municipality 16.03.2020 518 032.82 518 032.82 0.00 518 032.82 22 Closed (completion date)
"Regional Open Air Ethnographic Museum "Etar" - MUSEUM OF CREATIVE CULTURAL TOURISM" 18.06.2020 7 397 161.15 7 397 161.15 0.00 5 760 971.29 43 In execution (starting date)
"Regional Historical Museum - GABROVO - KNOWLEDGE, PARTICIPATION, EXPERIENCE" 18.06.2020 1 346 469.81 1 346 469.81 0.00 1 346 469.81 43 Closed (completion date)
Implementation of pilot demonstrational project in the field of waste management on the territory of Gabrovo Municipality 20.08.2020 381 544.43 381 544.43 0.00 381 544.43 18 Closed (completion date)
Opportunity for young people to express themselves - establishment of a youth center in Gabrovo 20.10.2020 5 119 465.64 4 286 850.50 832 615.14 3 374 570.54 46 In execution (starting date)
Provision of Hot Meals in Gabrovo Municipality 2021 - 2022 01.01.2021 291 344.02 291 344.02 0.00 291 344.02 21 Closed (completion date)
Patronage Care + on the territory of Gabrovo Municipality 04.01.2021 654 090.36 654 090.36 0.00 654 090.36 15 Closed (completion date)
A New Long-Term Care for Elderly People and People with Disabilities - Stage 2 - Provision of the New Services - a Care Center for People with Various forms of Dementia and a Care Center for Elderly People Incapable of Self-Service on the Territory of Gabrovo Municipality 12.04.2021 648 386.46 648 386.46 0.00 648 386.46 22 Closed (completion date)
Development of the cultural infrastructure in the municipality of Gabrovo through renovation and modernization of the House of Culture "Emanuil Manolov" 30.09.2021 4 059 915.26 4 059 915.26 0.00 4 059 915.26 27 Closed (completion date)
Functioning provision of Information district point - Gabrovo in the period 2022-2023" 01.01.2022 267 606.79 267 606.79 0.00 267 606.79 24 Closed (completion date)
Patronage Care + on the territory of Gabrovo Municipality 05.01.2022 382 646.61 382 646.61 0.00 382 646.61 9 Closed (completion date)
Patronage Care + on the territory of Gabrovo Municipality 06.07.2022 201 553.23 201 553.23 0.00 201 553.23 6 Closed (completion date)
A warm meal in Gabrovo municipality 01.10.2022 656 630.88 656 630.88 0.00 324 843.44 36 Contracted
FestivitIN' the Neighbourhood 05.10.2022 380 902.67 380 902.67 0.00 380 902.67 19 Closed (completion date)
Home care in Gabrovo municipality 09.01.2023 4 173 140.61 4 173 140.61 0.00 2 188 766.30 24 In execution (starting date)
Support for Gabrovo Municipality for effective and efficient implementation of projects under the Program for Development of the Regions 2021 - 2027 30.06.2023 78 370.28 78 370.28 0.00 78 370.28 6 Closed (completion date)
"Strengthening the capacity of Gabrovo Municipality in the social sphere" 01.07.2023 313 078.00 313 078.00 0.00 102 051.53 24 In execution (starting date)
"For the children of Gabrovo" 01.11.2023 192 780.00 192 780.00 0.00 38 556.00 18 In execution (starting date)
"Functioning provision of Information district point - Gabrovo in the period 2024 - 2029" 01.01.2024 876 995.66 876 995.66 0.00 0.00 72 In execution (starting date)
Sustainable energy renovation of a public administrative building of the Municipality of Gabrovo 02.04.2024 3 337 264.32 3 333 481.55 3 782.77 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Sustainable Energy Renovation of the Building of Museum "House of Humour and Satire", the city of Gabrovo 02.04.2024 1 277 107.56 1 129 689.96 147 417.60 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Environmentally friendly mobility in the municipality of Gabrovo and the municipality of Sevlievo through measures for development of ecological, safe, functional and energy-efficient transport systems 22.04.2024 10 001 989.01 7 835 880.77 2 166 108.24 0.00 24 In execution (starting date)
Technical assistance for investments in the Zoo "Zoo - Gabrovo", financed under the "Environment" Program 2021-2027, procedure "Technical assistance for investments in zoos" 24.04.2024 196 992.00 196 992.00 0.00 39 398.40 9 In execution (starting date)

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a Partner (1)

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a contractor (11)

The organization does not participate in projects as a Subcontractor

The organization does not participate in projects as a member of the Consortium


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).