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Name Address
000776491 Municipality of Samokov България, гр.Самоков, 2000, Македония 34

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
Providing a warm meal in the municipality of Samokov 04.05.2015 11 416.16 11 416.16 0.00 11 416.16 5 Closed (completion date)
"Help at home by creating a center for the provision of social services hourly" 16.12.2015 874 788.05 874 788.05 0.00 874 442.97 24 Closed (completion date)
"Hot lunch in Samokov" 16.05.2016 206 834.75 206 834.75 0.00 206 834.75 46 Closed (completion date)
Housing for social services for children from 0 to 7 years from socially vulnerable families. 22.07.2016 1 123 775.44 1 123 775.44 0.00 1 123 775.44 86 Closed (completion date)
Improve the administrative capacity of Samokov Municipality 13.10.2016 29 801.46 29 801.46 0.00 29 801.46 33 Closed (completion date)
Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings with identificators: 65231.906.262.1, 65231.906.263.1, 65231.901.66.11and 65231.906.66.12, 65231.905.445.1, 65231.908.62.1, 65231.905.189.1, 65231.905.130.1, 65231.905.307.1, 65231.905.132.1, 65231.904.306.1, 65231.906.213.1, 65231.905.26.4 and 65231.905.26.5, 65231.904.203.1 and 65231.904.203.2 19.10.2016 1 530 376.98 1 530 376.98 0.00 1 530 376.98 30 Closed (completion date)
Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings with identificators:65231.906.323, 65231.906.324,, 65231.906.325, 65231.905.138.1, 65231.906.483.1, 65231.906.483.2, 65231.904.54.1, 65231.909.312.1, 65231.911.299.1, 65231.905.135.1, 65231.908.28.1, 65231.906.212.1 20.10.2016 1 280 993.80 1 280 993.80 0.00 1 280 993.80 30 Closed (completion date)
Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings with identificators: 65231.906.92.1, 65231.914.46.1, 65231.909.296.1 and 65231.909.296.2, 65231.914.149.1 and 65231.914.149.2, 65231.910.144.1, 65231. 905.49.1, 65231.907.42.1, 65231.911.234.1, 65231.910.141.1, 65231.905.11.2 and 65231.905.11.1, 65231.903.62.1 and 65231.903.62.2, 65231.905.86.1, 65231.909.359.1 02.11.2016 1 069 027.35 1 069 027.35 0.00 1 069 027.35 30 Closed (completion date)
Improvement of the energy efficiency of administrative buildings on the territory of the municipality of Samokov – the building of the municipality, the building of the regional police station, the building of „Avksenti Veleshki” school 02.11.2016 3 797 879.60 3 797 879.60 0.00 3 797 879.60 24 Closed (completion date)
Preparative support for strategies for CLLD and creating of FLAG - Samokov 27.06.2017 47 766.76 47 766.76 0.00 47 766.76 5 Closed (completion date)
Support for deinstitutionalization of childcare through the creation of new social services - Center for Public Support and Day Care Center for Children with Disabilities 12.01.2018 382 818.54 382 818.54 0.00 382 818.54 24 Closed (completion date)
Patronage of elderly people and people with disabilities in Samokov 21.05.2019 342 364.64 342 364.64 0.00 336 675.82 15 Closed (completion date)
"Reconstruction and renovation of municipal buildings providing public services in order to improve their energy efficiency in the villages of Relyovo, Dolni okol, Shipochane, Gorni Okol and Gutsal of Samokov municipality" 23.10.2019 787 809.10 787 809.10 0.00 391 603.15 36 Contracted
Continued support for children and families at risk in Samokov Municipality. 01.02.2020 636 467.68 636 467.68 0.00 636 467.68 44 Closed (completion date)
Patronage of elderly people and people with disabilities in Samokov 16.03.2020 351 495.00 351 495.00 0.00 348 996.02 10 Closed (completion date)
Restoration of municipal forests on the territory of Samokov municipality 30.03.2020 305 356.33 305 356.33 0.00 151 166.30 36 Contracted
Training and employment of job seekers, inactive persons and long-term unemployed in Samokov Municipality 28.04.2020 263 178.07 263 178.07 0.00 263 178.07 18 Closed (completion date)
"Reduction of waste to the source with the challenges of the town of Roubaix" 20.08.2020 247 261.89 247 261.89 0.00 247 261.89 18 Closed (completion date)
Patronage of elderly people and people with disabilities in Samokov 23.08.2020 143 932.32 143 932.32 0.00 143 932.32 6 Closed (completion date)
Reducing the risk of forest fires in the municipality of Samokov 16.09.2020 2 328 661.24 2 328 661.24 0.00 0.00 36 Contracted
Implementation of activities supporting the improvement of species conservation status, part of the CLLD Strategy of Samokov Local Action Group. 23.11.2020 1 052 809.78 1 052 809.78 0.00 1 052 809.78 36 Closed (completion date)
Repair and reconstruction of a cultural house and library in the village of Dospey, municipality of Samokov 25.11.2020 128 061.21 128 061.21 0.00 64 030.60 36 Contracted
Improvement of the cultural infrastructure of community centers on the territory of Samokov municipality 25.11.2020 264 459.60 264 459.60 0.00 109 666.20 24 Contracted
Hot lunch in the conditions of COVID-19 in Samokov 04.01.2021 225 080.02 225 080.02 0.00 225 080.02 21 Closed (completion date)
Renovation of a plot of land designated for landscaping in PI 15285.8.515, LPR I - for a garden and a shop, quarter 92 of the PPP of the village of Govedartsi, Municipality of Samokov 05.01.2021 169 472.72 169 472.72 0.00 169 472.72 24 Closed (completion date)
"Renovation of the square space between streets with ot 77-76-81-80-79-80 Rayovo village Samokov municipality" 05.01.2021 186 806.05 186 806.05 0.00 186 806.05 24 Closed (completion date)
"Renovation of a square space south of a street with ot.23,24 in quarter 16 and part of LPR VI designated for a community center, council, post office, public organization and garden according to the plan of the village of Maritsa" 05.01.2021 236 250.00 236 250.00 0.00 184 500.00 24 In execution (starting date)
"Improvement of Rideau Park - Stage III - Construction of an asphalt road from an existing parking lot, east of the Rideau restaurant to the beginning of the terrain designated as an extreme bike lane. Construction of an extreme bike lane and outdoor fitness for disadvantaged people" 05.01.2021 352 707.00 352 707.00 0.00 0.00 24 In execution (starting date)
"Renovation of a square space in front of the town hall and community center in PN 46067.2.134, LPR V for square and community center, sq. m. 10 under the PFA of Madzhare, Samokov Municipality" 05.01.2021 48 500.00 48 500.00 0.00 48 500.00 24 Closed (completion date)
Patronage Care in Samokov Municipality 19.03.2021 503 645.43 503 645.43 0.00 503 645.43 14 Closed (completion date)
Reconstruction of buildings with identifier №15285.7.120 under the plan of the village of Govedartsi for the purpose of its establishment in a Tourist Information center 29.03.2021 265 392.54 265 392.54 0.00 109 159.09 36 Contracted
"Water and Fish Festival" 14.07.2021 49 329.00 49 329.00 0.00 49 329.00 6 Closed (completion date)
Purchase of soil and resource-saving machines and equipment for transporting, loading and transporting timber in Samokov municipality 26.07.2021 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36 Terminated (termination date)
Restoration of the population of European river crayfish (Astacus astacus) in the reservoirs of Dragushinovo village, Samokov municipality 18.08.2021 29 901.48 29 901.48 0.00 29 901.48 12 Closed (completion date)
Improving access to employment and the quality of jobs through training and employment of jobseekers, inactive people and the long-term unemployed in the municipality of Samokov 02.09.2021 66 871.09 66 871.09 0.00 66 871.09 12 Closed (completion date)
Purchase of equipment and furniture for the house of samokov zographers for presentation and exhibition of the local cultural heritage 22.10.2021 43 725.30 43 725.30 0.00 0.00 36 Contracted
Development of a sports playground and a stadium in Beli Iskar Village and modernization of a stadium in the yard of Su "Nikola Velchev"-Town of Samokov 05.11.2021 128 834.54 128 834.54 0.00 0.00 24 Contracted
Better care for people with disabilities and people over the age of 65 unable to self-care by providing access to social inclusion and health services 01.12.2021 331 933.62 331 933.62 0.00 331 933.62 15 Closed (completion date)
Renovation and renovation of an event hall at “Mihail Dashin 1911” Community Center, Dragushinovo 05.04.2022 146 925.00 146 925.00 0.00 0.00 36 Contracted
One approach - many solutions. Model for integrated development (MID) in Samokov. 11.04.2022 1 955 800.00 1 955 800.00 0.00 1 683 902.77 26 In execution (starting date)
Patronage Care in Samokov Municipality 20.05.2022 269 906.15 269 906.15 0.00 269 906.15 6 Closed (completion date)
Energy efficiency in Municipality of Samokov-I 20.09.2022 1 605 659.91 1 578 358.60 27 301.31 1 578 358.60 16 Closed (completion date)
Energy efficiency in Municipality of Samokov-II 23.09.2022 2 207 639.18 1 720 579.56 487 059.62 602 202.85 16 In execution (starting date)
Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the Nursing Home and the Cultural Center in the Municipality of Samokov 26.09.2022 1 605 434.00 1 605 434.00 0.00 450 253.38 24 In execution (starting date)
A warm meal in Samokov 01.10.2022 492 065.95 492 065.95 0.00 338 607.36 36 Contracted
Home care in Samokov municipality 16.01.2023 2 191 423.21 2 191 423.21 0.00 1 184 435.72 24 In execution (starting date)
Strengthening of municipal capacity in Samokov 22.03.2023 38 575.00 38 575.00 0.00 24 229.47 20 In execution (starting date)
Reconstruction of sidewalk areas with unipave pavement on "Zhitna charshiya" street/ both sides/ in the town of Samokov by O.T. 469 at the intersection with "Macedonia" St. next to O.T. 486 at the intersection with Graf Ignatiev St 30.05.2023 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 Terminated (termination date)
Improving the administrative capacity of Samokov municipality in the preparation and implementation of projects through the supply of hardware and software 30.06.2023 125 131.20 125 131.20 0.00 125 131.20 6 Closed (completion date)
Reconstruction of pavement areas with unipave pavement on "Hristo Smirnenski" street / both sides/ in the town of Samokov" by O.T. 595 at the intersection with "Musala" street next to O.T. 736 at the intersection with "Manastirska" St 14.08.2023 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 Terminated (termination date)
Reconstruction of sidewalk areas with solid asphalt concrete pavement on the central street / on both sides / in the village of Prodanovtsi, municipality of Samokov" by O.T. 1 - from the beginning of the regulation in the northern part of the village of Prodanovtsi to O.T. 69 the end of the regulation in the southern part of the village of Prodanovtsi 17.10.2023 292 798.64 272 683.38 20 115.26 272 683.38 12 Closed (completion date)
"Major repair and renovation of a school dormitory at the Sports School "Nikola Velchev", town of Samokov" 02.02.2024 3 808 766.97 3 808 766.97 0.00 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Municipality of Samokov with another step towards nature protection 23.05.2024 7 205 003.11 5 935 504.79 1 269 498.32 0.00 24 In execution (starting date)
Sustainable energy renovation through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in Multi-family residential building Owners Association "BLOCK VASIL LEVSKI -Samokov" 03.07.2024 470 842.05 470 842.05 0.00 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Sustainable energy renovation through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in Multi-family residential building Owners Association "Block No. 7, Samokovo district, Samokov" 03.07.2024 1 098 672.99 1 098 672.99 0.00 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Sustainable energy renovation through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in Multi-family residential building Owners Association "Block No. 38, Samokovo district, Samokov" 03.07.2024 2 138 316.93 2 138 316.93 0.00 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Sustainable energy renovation through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in Multi-family residential building Owners Association "Block No. 29, Samokovo district, Samokov" 03.07.2024 1 792 167.77 1 792 167.77 0.00 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Sustainable energy renovation through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in Multi-family residential building Owners Association "JK ALBENA -Samokov" 03.07.2024 1 392 178.93 1 392 178.93 0.00 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Sustainable energy renovation through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in Multi-family residential building Owners Association "Block No. 30, Samokovo district, Samokov" 03.07.2024 1 487 183.83 1 487 183.80 0.03 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Sustainable energy renovation through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in Multi-family residential building Owners Association "Block No. 37, Samokovo district, Samokov" 03.07.2024 1 521 422.95 1 521 422.90 0.05 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Sustainable energy renovation through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in Multi-family residential building Owners Association "Block No. 9, Samokovo district, Samokov" 04.07.2024 1 378 820.47 1 378 820.47 0.00 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Sustainable energy renovation through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in Multi-family residential building Owners Association "Block No. 28, Samokovo district, Samokov" 11.07.2024 1 533 841.19 1 530 241.19 3 600.00 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
Carrying out construction activities and delivery of equipment and furniture with a view to reforming the Home for the elderly in the town of Samokov 16.09.2024 890 318.90 890 318.90 0.00 0.00 20 In execution (starting date)

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a Partner (2)

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a contractor (9)

The organization does not participate in projects as a Subcontractor

The organization does not participate in projects as a member of the Consortium


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).