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Name Address
000776178 Gorna Malina municipality България, с.Горна Малина, 2131, пл. "Родолюбие" № 1

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
Providing a warm meal in the municipality of Gorna Malina 04.05.2015 17 437.71 17 437.71 0.00 17 437.71 5 Closed (completion date)
Center for hourly service provision for social inclusion in the community or at home-Gorna Malina 01.06.2016 499 995.00 499 995.00 0.00 490 853.54 21 Closed (completion date)
"Providing a warm lunch in the Municipality of Gorna Malina " 01.06.2016 202 858.81 202 858.81 0.00 202 858.81 47 Closed (completion date)
Design and construction of composting plan and installation for pre-treatment of waste in Region Gorna Malina 04.06.2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52 Terminated (termination date)
"Reconstruction, repair and development of kindergarten" Faith, Nadezhda and Love "in the village of Gorna Malina, Gorna Malina Municipality" 14.05.2019 892 419.79 892 419.79 0.00 849 338.14 36 Contracted
Reconstruction and renovation of streets in Gorna Malina municipality: Gorna Malina, Aprilovo, Osoitsa, Dolno Kamartsi. 18.06.2019 1 251 798.44 1 251 798.44 0.00 1 247 693.60 36 Contracted
Patronage care for the elderly and disabled in Gorna Malina Municipality 16.03.2020 55 736.06 55 736.06 0.00 55 736.06 16 Closed (completion date)
"Hot lunch in the conditions of the pandemic from COVID - 19" 01.01.2021 137 652.78 137 652.78 0.00 137 652.78 21 Closed (completion date)
Patronage care + in the municipality of Gorna Malina 05.10.2021 50 187.20 50 187.20 0.00 50 187.20 14 Closed (completion date)
A warm meal in Municipality of Gorna Malina 03.10.2022 301 028.58 301 028.58 0.00 198 287.03 36 Contracted
Home care in the Municipality of Gorna Malina 10.04.2023 424 805.07 424 805.07 0.00 271 222.36 19 In execution (starting date)
"Reconstruction and rehabilitation of the water supply network in the village of Gorna Malina" 21.06.2023 2 253 027.03 2 253 027.03 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a Partner (1)

The organization does not participate in projects as a Contractor

The organization does not participate in projects as a Subcontractor

The organization does not participate in projects as a member of the Consortium


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).