Saved trees

Programme: Environment

Planning region: All

Budget: 3 263 311 367.47

Budget allocation by fund

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Budget of the Operational Programme Environment by funds

Programming Period ERDF CF NF Total
2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2015 185 257 609.79 564 585 378.01 132 325 233.55 882 168 221.35
2016 56 432 189.13 305 791 005.05 63 921 740.51 426 144 934.69
2017 118 688 710.83 318 688 793.54 77 184 266.31 514 561 770.68
2018 122 772 309.31 244 982 285.19 64 897 869.72 432 652 464.22
2019 31 262 773.09 220 810 028.47 44 483 438.96 296 556 240.52
2020 65 914 742.62 297 739 027.93 64 174 198.46 427 827 969.01
2021 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2023 283 399 767.00 0.00 0.00 283 399 767.00
2024 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2025 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2026 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2027 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2028 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2029 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2030 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 863 728 101.77 1 952 596 518.19 446 986 747.51 3 263 311 367.47

Implementation of the Operational Programme Environment by year

Year Budget * Contracted Amounts ** Actual amounts paid ***
Total EU Funding NF Funding Total-Grants EU Funding % of Implementation**** Total EU Funding % of Implementation****
2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2015 882 168 221.35 749 842 987.80 132 325 233.55 6 923 944.65 5 885 353.00 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00
2016 1 308 313 156.04 1 112 066 181.98 196 246 974.06 477 633 268.29 405 200 057.65 36.51 69 579 557.60 59 142 623.86 5.32
2017 1 822 874 926.72 1 549 443 686.35 273 431 240.37 671 323 844.83 569 837 047.35 36.83 184 953 875.61 157 120 939.46 10.15
2018 2 255 527 390.94 1 917 198 280.85 338 329 110.09 1 042 298 279.67 885 165 307.94 46.21 552 324 476.61 469 684 465.24 24.49
2019 2 552 083 631.46 2 169 271 082.41 382 812 549.05 2 300 359 451.75 1 954 518 569.95 90.14 935 923 085.49 796 679 172.74 36.67
2020 2 979 911 600.47 2 532 924 852.96 446 986 747.51 2 638 143 546.89 2 241 635 050.89 88.53 1 289 120 218.32 1 100 988 004.64 43.26
2021 2 979 911 600.47 2 532 924 852.96 446 986 747.51 2 701 224 669.90 2 295 254 005.17 90.65 1 649 358 177.15 1 409 047 786.53 55.35
2022 2 979 911 600.47 2 532 924 852.96 446 986 747.51 2 842 755 995.43 2 415 555 631.30 95.40 2 145 365 693.47 1 837 061 087.91 71.99
2023 3 263 311 367.47 2 816 324 619.96 446 986 747.51 3 133 677 576.85 2 693 905 691.63 96.03 2 897 873 569.33 2 585 428 312.25 88.80
2024 3 263 311 367.47 2 816 324 619.96 446 986 747.51 3 133 677 576.85 2 693 905 691.63 96.03 3 169 229 848.21 2 848 566 365.25 97.12
2025 3 263 311 367.47 2 816 324 619.96 446 986 747.51 3 133 677 576.85 2 693 905 691.63 96.03 3 169 244 305.75 2 848 578 654.16 97.12
2026 3 263 311 367.47 2 816 324 619.96 446 986 747.51 3 133 677 576.85 2 693 905 691.63 96.03 3 169 244 305.75 2 848 578 654.16 97.12
2027 3 263 311 367.47 2 816 324 619.96 446 986 747.51 3 133 677 576.85 2 693 905 691.63 96.03 3 169 244 305.75 2 848 578 654.16 97.12
2028 3 263 311 367.47 2 816 324 619.96 446 986 747.51 3 133 677 576.85 2 693 905 691.63 96.03 3 169 244 305.75 2 848 578 654.16 97.12
2029 3 263 311 367.47 2 816 324 619.96 446 986 747.51 3 133 677 576.85 2 693 905 691.63 96.03 3 169 244 305.75 2 848 578 654.16 97.12
2030 3 263 311 367.47 2 816 324 619.96 446 986 747.51 3 133 677 576.85 2 693 905 691.63 96.03 3 169 244 305.75 2 848 578 654.16 97.12
Total 3 263 311 367.47 2 816 324 619.96 446 986 747.51 3 133 677 576.85 2 693 905 691.63 96.03 3 169 244 305.75 2 848 578 654.16 97.12


* - Operational Programme cumulative budget by year. The budget includes the performance reserve in the amount of 6%.
** - Cumulative amount of the contracted funds
*** - The amount of the actual amounts paid cumulative
**** - A percentage of the total to the total program budget. For the RDP, the amounts include only the implementation of grant procedures announced in the UMIS.
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).