Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


MATAND EOOD is the owner of a livestock farm with No. 7705880139 (veterinary registration 2933-0465), located on the land of the town of Hadjidimovo, Hadjidimovo municipality, Blagoevgrad district, where a total of 332 sheep and 29 goats are raised. The present project proposal aims at modernization of a livestock farm for dairy sheep breeding by building a sheep farm in PI 77058.12.151, Hadjidimovo, district Blagoevgrad.
For the complete construction of the livestock farm a technical investment project has been prepared, which envisages the performance of the following construction and installation works: MAIN ENTRANCE, DISINFECTION PIT, MILKING SHEEP, FOOD STORAGE WAREHOUSE
Tank for PBN, FERTILIZER LAGOON, Generator
With this project proposal, only the construction of the Dairy Sheep Barn (part structures and part water supply and sewerage) and the Feed Storage Warehouse is applied for. The applicant will finance with its own funds the activities for construction and installation work for the construction of the disinfection pit, the tank for PBN, the manure lagoon, the generator, the stable for dairy sheep (architectural and electrical) and purchase of technological equipment for the sheep farm.
The barn houses the main function of the sheep farm - a barn for up to 540 dairy sheep and their offspring. There are 540 sheep in the building, divided into 6 groups of 90 sheep each. For storage of the necessary quantities of animal feed, a food storage warehouse with an area of ​​1014 m2 is provided. 
MATAND Ltd. breeds dairy sheep of the Lacon breed. These breeds have very good characteristics. It is envisaged that the applicant will raise up to 540 dairy sheep, from which it will produce up to 199 tons of sheep's milk, which it will process completely and sell up to 49.95 tons of sheep's cheese per year.
The total amount of the investment under the present project proposal is BGN 977,587.22 without VAT.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
СМР: Изграждане на оборза дойни овце и Изграждане на склад за съхранение на храна: С настоящото проектно предложение се кандидатства само за изграждане на Обора за дойни овце (част конструкции и част ВиК) и Склада за съхранение на фураж. Кандидатът ще финансира със собствени средства дейностите за СМР по изграждане на дезинфекционната яма, резервоара за ПБН, торовата лагуна, генераторът, обора за дойни овце (част архитектурна и част електро) и закупуване на технологично оборудване за овцефермата. В обора е поместена основната функция на овцефермата – обор за до540 млечни овце и техните приплоди. В сградата са разположени 540 овце, разделени на 6 групи от по 90 овце. За съхранение на необходимите количества храна за животните е предвиден склад за съхранение на храна със ЗП 1014 м2. Склада може да побере необходимите количества храна за изхранване на животните. 977 587.22 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).