Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


The cultivation of perennials has deep roots in the livelihood of the Bulgarians and is clearly represented in the region of Kyustendil. The favorable natural conditions and traditions in the consumption of fruits determine the good perspective in the development of this sub-branch of plant growing. Determining influence on the efficiency of this activity has a good mechanization and timely implementation of agro-technical measures. The applicant has been a farmer for eight years, but does not have his own agricultural machinery. External mechanized services are used to carry out the main agro-technical measures, which in time usually do not cover the optimal agro-technical terms, and this is reflected in the quantity and quality of the produced products. This project proposal is developed for application under the Rural Development Program of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2014-2020, Sub-measure 4.1.2 "Investments in agricultural holdings under Thematic sub-program for development of small farms" of Measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets ". The main goal is to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural holding through restructuring and development of the available material capacities and to improve the quantity and quality of the received production. This project presents the applicant's activity - growing cherries and plums, as well as the subject of his investment - a tractor. The planned purchase of a tractor aims to reduce the cost of agricultural production and optimize the economic efficiency of the farm. The project is developed on the basis of 9,253 decares of arable land, on which 8,253 decares of cherries and 1 decare of plums are grown. The planned investment is worth BGN 35400, and the amount of the grant is expected to be up to 70% of the generally recognized costs, as the managed lands fall in the mountainous area.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на Трактор марка "SOLIS", модел "SOLIS 50": Проектът ще бъде изпълнен на един етап. За осъществяването му кандидатът е осигурил собствени средства. Стойността на инвестицията е 35400,00 лв. Антонио Георгиев има сключен Договор за покупко продажба на земеделска техника SOR_2000547/ПРСР_AC/01.09.2020PGRM 2020 с "АГРО СКАЙ" АД, ЕИК 202269609, със седалище и адрес на управление: гр. София, район Триадица, ул.”Нишава”111, ап.6, въз основа на представена оферта с най-ниска стойност на актива - предмет на инвестицията. 29 500.00 0.00


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).