Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


Rumyan Todorov wants to equip and automate his farm by introducing innovative and automated systems for milking, managing and feeding animals.
The investments are in the following directions:
1. Nutrition
For the feeding of the animals, a feed-distribution trailer and a fodder kitchen for the preparation of the fodder will be purchased. It will also invest in an automated system for feeding calves with powdered milk.

2. Milking, management and monitoring of the herd
It will invest in an automated system for milking, management and monitoring of the herd. The system includes a milking parlor, an automated herd management system and a separate investment in a system for recording the heat of the animals. They will monitor the milk yield of the animals, their health status, the system will signal when they are dispersed and will inform about the upcoming birth.

3. Increasing the comfort of animals
For the welfare and increase of the comfort of the animals, and hence their productivity, the investment envisages the purchase of 2 pcs. rotary brushes, rubber mats for the milking parlor and 8 pcs. drinking bowls.
To maintain an optimal microclimate in the building will be installed and 4 pcs. fans. One of the main prerequisites for increasing milk yield is the comfort and tranquility of the animals, which justifies these investments.
The veterinary machine, which is also the subject of the investment, will help to perform medical manipulations on the animals.

4. Cleaning, handling of bales, food and others.
A telescopic loader will provide the loading and unloading and transport activities on the farm - loading, unloading bales, storing animal feed, distributing animal feed, cleaning the yard and others.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на техника и оборудване за автоматизация и модернизация отглеждането на животните: Инвестицията се състои само от една дейност и тя е ориентираме към модернизиране и автоматизиране процеса по отглеждане на животните и включва закупуването на: Автоматизирана система за хранене на телета Фуражо раздаващо ремарке Гумени постелки за доилна зала Роторна четка Вентилатор Фуражна кухня Коритна поилка Автоматизирана система за доене на животни Доилна зала 2х10 за крави Система за мениджмънт на стадото Система за разгоненост-радиочестотна Ветеринарен станок Телескопичен товарач С настоящия проект кандидатът иска да оборудва и автоматизира стопанството си чрез въвеждане на иновативни и автоматизирани системи за доене, управление и хранене на животните. 723 025.95 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).