The object of the project proposal is the delivery of new technological equipment for fattening broilers in a new animal breeding farm of the Applicant.
The new technological equipment will increase the Applicant's capacity to fatten up to 57000 broilers per production cycle.
The production equipment is for applying the "all-in-all-out" technology, in which at the beginning of the fattening cycle the production halls are filled with day-old chicks, which are reared without moving them, and at the end of the fattening period they are taken out of the halls and are loaded on chicken transport trucks to be transported to the slaughterhouse for further processing. Practically, over the entire fattening period until reaching certain weights, broilers do not leave the production halls.
The selected technology takes into account the global trends in broiler fattening requiring the implementation of certain systems and equipment in order to achieve an optimal quantity-quality ratio of fattened broilers.
The introduction of this technology will move the Applicant from the segment of small producers to that of large ones, where there is an annual growth of their number and over 21% growth of broilers fattened by them, which is conditioned by the constant quality of production and deadlines for its carrying out.
The Applicant takes into account these circumstances and with the implementation of this project, declares its inclusion in this market preferred group of broiler producers, thus improving the economic efficiency of its activities, indirectly influencing the economic development of Byala Municipality and contributing to employment increase in town.
In order to achieve the goals and results described above, the Applicant will use a consulting service of a supplier for preparing and managing the project until its reporting and completion through the Agriculture State Fund.
Contracted Amount
Reported Amount
Внедряване на нови продукти, процеси и технологии и обновяване на наличните производствени материални и/или нематериални активи: Кандидатът е провел процедура за избор на доставчик за доставка на „Ново технологично оборудване за угояване на бройлери“ чрез три оферти от независими доставчици.
Получените оферти от всеки от тримата запитани доставчици за оценени и с решение на Кандидата е избран доставчик на новото технологично оборудване. Подписан е договор с избрания доставчик.
Като част от дейността за доставка на това оборудване е проведен и избор на доставчик на „Консултантска услуга, свързани с подготовка и управление на проект“. Получените три оферти от оферентите са оценени по съпоставими условия и след решение на Кандидата за избор на доставчик на услугата е подписан договор за нейното предоставяне.
529 716.98
529 716.98
Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN