Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


The project is for the modernization of an organic livestock farm consisting of a goat farm located in the village of Gradishte, municipality of Levski, region Pleven EKATTE 17556, as well as pastures, meadows and arable land on the same land. The aim is to purchase machinery and equipment for the purpose of technological and ecological modernization of the individual phases of the production processes in crop production during soil treatment, fertilization, plant protection and harvesting through the use of technological solutions that provide the possibility of traceability or control of operations for production of fodder and silage for own consumption in order to guarantee biological production of milk. The necessary machines for the farm are equipped with GPS systems and navigation modules. Wheeled tractor, power - up to 150 hp. The power is tailored to the requirements of the attached inventory necessary for the modernization of the animal object. The tractor is equipped with the ISOBUS system ensuring the use of navigation and aggregation with attached equipment equipped with computers for monitoring the movement and processing of the areas. Navigation in the cabin allows entering the coordinates of a specific plot for processing. ISOBUS is used to connect the tractor and the attached equipment. GPS/satellite antenna to receive/broadcast a signal with the exact position of the tractor for precise navigation work. Seeder - pneumatic, working width - 4 m. The seeder is equipped with a computer, which is in direct connection with the navigation of the tractor. The consequences of the method of sowing are seen very late, only after the produce has germinated, but then it is too late to remove anything. Sprayer - trailed, working width - 24 m., tank volume - maximum 3000 l., tractor drive 150 hp. The sprayer is also equipped with a computer that ensures that there is no overlapping when spraying.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Трактор окомплектован с навигация и с GPS/сателитна антена: Колесен трактор, мощност - макс.150кс., задвижване 4*4, длокаж и на двата моста, скоростна кутия - Rv Shift, климатик, заден навес с капацитет мин. 7000 кг с бурзо закачване тип куки, заден ВОМ с 4 режима, хидравлични изводи - мин. 4 двойки, хидравлична помпа за натоварване с капацитет мин. 90 л/мин, електрохидравличен реверс - Powershutle, електронно управление на заден навес от калниците, подготовка на трактора за навигация - ISOBUS, преден навес с преден ВОМ, Навигационна система с възможност за въвеждане на данни за обработваемите площи и самостоятелно управление на трактора, GPS/сателитна антена за приемане/излъчване на сигнал с точната позиция на трактора за прецизна работа на навигацията 402 000.00 0.00
Прикачен инвентар: Пръскачка - прикачна, работна ширина - 24 м., обем на резервоара - максимум 3000 л., задвижване с трактор 160 кс., смесването на препарата за пръскане с ежекторен хидросмесител, регулиране на височината на пръскане минимум до 1.80 м, регулиране на коловоза максимум до 2.40 м, компютърен модул за прецизно пръскане, Сеялка - пневматична, работна широчина - 3 м, разстояние между редовете 15 см, обем на бункера за семена - максимум 4100 л, навигация компютър следене потока на семената 206 687.25 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).