Execution of construction and assembly works for reconstruction, repair, equipment and furnishing of SU" Vasil Levski "- Ardino, Ardino Municipality, including all accompanying costs, including: costs of preparation and management of the project, design costs, construction supervision, author's supervision.
Construction and installation works include the following main activities:
- replacement of the pavement in front of the central entrance of the building;
- reprocessing of the yard;
- Replacement of the deck of the decks on the pedestrian alleys;
- removal of concrete unusable staircases, finger filling and pavement laying;
- placing new garden benches in the recreation areas;
- placement of elements for accessible environment - staircases;
- Laying of rock wool insulation on a roof slab;
- rearrangement of roof tiles and revision of gutters;
- the existing tree-shrub sparrows are preserved, with the green areas being renewed with new grits with a suitable grass mixture;
-interior refreshment of the rooms - repainting and replacement of the flooring;
- Facade repainting with color phasogen;
- A complete replacement of the electrical installation is planned;
- Replace old boilers with new ones;
- Reconstruction of the sewerage system for drainage of the terrain.
Contracted Amount
Reported Amount
„Реконструкция, ремонт, оборудване и/или обзавеждане на общинска образователна инфраструктура с местно значение в селските райони, която включва основно или средно училище, финансирано чрез бюджета на общината или професионална гимназия по § 10 от Преходните и заключителните разпоредби на Закона за предучилищното и училищното образование“: Извършване на строително - монтажни работи за реконструкция, ремонт, оборудване и обзавеждане на СУ "Васил Левски" - град Ардино, община Ардино и всички съпътстващи разходи, в т.ч.: разходи за подготовка и управление на проекта, разходи за проектиране, строителен надзор, авторски надзор.
967 268.94
907 298.69
Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN