Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


The project is aimed at reforming soc services and facilitating the transition to the new mechanisms at the local level,through the develop. and strengthening of mun. capacity, through the creation of a new workplace, in fulfillment of the powers of the Mun of Hayredin under ZSU, USSR and ZLP,which will allow the smooth introduction of reforms in the field of social services and personal assistance, and will create prerequisites for quality, efficient and effective care for the most vulnerable groups of the population of Hayredin Mun.The target group to which the project is directed are employees from institutions/organizations/administrations involved in policies in the soc sphere; employees of providers of soc and integrated health and soc services.Under the project, one new employee will be hired for a period of 24 m at the TD of the MH, who will assist in the work of those involved in the soc sphere and will have the following duties and responsibilities: to carry out direct communication with persons wishing to use a specific soc service; yes directs interested persons to the appropriate soc service for them;to process the primary documentation in connection with the application and referral of the persons;to provide administrative support to the employees directly involved in providing a specific soc service. The activities foreseen in the project will be directly aimed at seven employees who will be involved in the implementation of the policies in the field of the ZLP/ZHU, as well as under the ZSU only in the part related to the referral by the municipality for the use of soc services.The provided trainings and supervision are related to:the application of residential care standards;the management of social services;The Ordinance on the Quality of Soc. Services (Programs,Control and Monitoring);Control and monitoring by the municipality of soc service providers.The training and supervision of the personnel are related to the fulfillment of the obligations
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Подпомагане на служителите в Община Хайредин ангажирани със социални услуги. : Чрез реализирането на дейността ще се окаже съдействие на служителите от общинска администрация Хайредин, които са ангажирани с реализирането на политики в социалната сфера на територията на общината; изпълнение на дейности за подкрепа на лицата за превенция и/или преодоляване на социалното изключване; осъществяване на дейности в съответствие с новото законодателство в областта на социалните услуги и хората с увреждания. Ускоряване предоставянето на по ефективна, ефикасна и качествена грижа на лицата от най - уязвимите групи от населението. Заложените цели в проекта ще допринесът за повишаване и надграждане на професионалните умения на служителите на община Хайредин ангажирани в обезпечаване задълженията и отговорностите по ЗСУ чрез включването и в обучение по стандартите за качество на социалните услуги. 32 111.00 17 748.97


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).