The project proposal is for the purchase of a tractor and agricultural machinery, which will optimize the work processes in the agricultural holding. Technique corresponds to the area of the cultivated area of 437.00 decares. with fruit crops crops specified in table 3 Cultivable areas by types of crops - only for the land for which the assets applied for financing will be used. The amount of production that is expected to be realized is in the amount of 600 tons to 650 tons, which needs to be stored in the warehouse of the company and prepared for sale to traders or processing enterprises. The period in which the equipment will be used is from the beginning of March to the end of October. The tractor will be used for the cultivation of fruit crops, the crops indicated in table 3. Through the foreseen technological solution included in the tractor, there will be an opportunity to optimize the production processes. A technological solution has been implemented in the claimed technique, which enables the traceability of operations and the generation and exchange of data.
Contracted Amount
Reported Amount
Закупуване на трактор и земеделска техника с технологично решение за конкурентоспособно и устойчиво земеделие с технологични решения за екологичен преход: Внедряването на нова земеделска техника, ще доведе до ускорено пренасочване и развитие на Земеделското Стопанство на основата на нови цифрови и технологични решения. Дружеството се нужде от подкрепа за осъществяване на необходимите инвестиции за модернизация. Получаването на помощта ще се отрази положително на производителността на Дружеството и конкурентоспособност му и ще се подготви за справяне с нарастващите екологични изисквания.
619 800.00
Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN