Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


The project proposal of AK-2012 Ltd. is related to the purchase of Plant for production of wood pellets with capacity 1t / h. The cost of the requested investment is BGN 600 117,10. The investment will be carried out on the territory of the town of Smolyan, municipality Smolyan. The machines will be installed in the central hall of a building with ID 67653.928.85.2, under the lease of №1691 from 20.07.2018. So far the company AK-2012 Ltd. is active in the field of timber, building materials and logging. The management of the company does not plan to discontinue its activities so far, as it has human resources and capacity to reconcile both. The newly recruited staff will operate the machines and equipment that will be purchased as a result of the implementation of this project and thus create conditions for the parallel development of both activities of the company. Through the construction of the new enterprise the owners place themselves aiming at expanding and diversifying the business model of the company, creating conditions for improving the competitiveness and opening new jobs in the region of Smolyan. The investment to be implemented fully meets the objectives of sub-measure 8.6 "Investments in forestry technologies and in the processing, mobilization and marketing of forest products" and leads to the creation of 25 new jobs. The final product of the plant will be high quality wood pellets made from coniferous material. Pellets are an alternative source of energy that is characterized by a high efficiency of the heat released and reduced values of harmful emissions emitted in nature, making them much more environmentally friendly of all other types of solid fuel. All this is proof that with the realization of the investment, AK-2012 Ltd. adheres to one of the basic principles of the horizontal policies of the EU and Bulgaria, namely sustainable development and protection of the environment.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуването или вземането на лизинг на нови машини и оборудване за първична преработка на дървесината, както и други работни операции, предхождащи индустриалната преработка, включващо закупуването на инсталация за производство на пелети от дървесна суровина с капацитет 1т/ч: Изпълнението на дейността включва закупуване на инсталация за производство на пелети от дървесна суровина с капацитет 1т/ч, със следните основни машини: Дробилка универсална ДОУ -52 Бункер дозатор с хидравличен транспортьор БД - 22 Сушилен комплекс СК - 1000 Чукова дробилка 37kW, ЧД 1000 Система за автоматично изгаряне САИ -1000 Линия за пелетиране без пелет преса Противотокова охладителна колона КО 2000 Полуавтоматичен пакетаж АП 5000 Оборудване за гранулиране включващо Пелет - преса CPM 2016-2 600 117.10 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).