Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


In order to turn its farm into an economically profitable one, which would generate revenues that would guarantee its maintenance and allow investments and increase its competitiveness, Iskra Bozhilova PA focused its attention on modernizing the available equipment by purchasing: a tractor; gentle cultivator, precision seeder, corn cob, trench seeder and navigation - equipment specialized for Trimble agricultural machinery with e-management of sections and norms and planting of organic lavender plantation on an area of ​​178,146 decares. The purpose of the PA is to increase the efficiency of the farm by reducing its production costs for external services to carry out the necessary agro-technical measures, thereby increasing the profit, and hence the economic indicators of profitability of the farm. Over 50% of the investments under the project are directed to crops in the sector "Essential oil and medicinal crops" and are related to trends in conservative and organic farming. The other technique is for the activity related to the cereals and oilseeds grown by it: disc harrow; seeder and header. The tractor and the navigation equipment are designed to provide with the necessary capacities the working process in the farm in the direction of the essential oil crops, which will be used exclusively for all agro-technical activities related to organically grown lavender plantations, which aims not to introduce into the arrays the machines used for other crops and with which fertilization or spraying with preparations, which are prohibited for use and are outside the admissible plant protection products, specified in Annex 2 to Ordinance 22. The attachment for the other crops will be coupled to the available tractors on the farm. The project proposal does not contribute to the implementation of two main priorities for sub-measure 4.1 "Investment in agricultural holdings" - 2 and 5.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на земеделска техника - трактор и прикачен инвентар и Навигация - оборудване специализирано за селскостопанска техника с е- управлениена на секции и норми към него по договори с ТАЙТЪН МАШИНЪРИ БЪЛГАРИЯ ЕАД; ИНТЕРАГРИ БЪЛГАРИЯ АД; НИК ЕЛЕКТРОНИК ООД И АГРОСТАРС ООД: Закупуване на Трактор CASE IH, модел Maxxum 125 по договори с ТАЙТЪН МАШИНЪРИ БЪЛГАРИЯ ЕАД Дисковатор за щадяща предсеитбена обработка GREAT PLAINS, модел 8324 DVN по договор с АГРОСТАРС ООД Хедер за царевица NEW HOLLAND, модел NH 980CR 6R 70 по договор с ИНТЕРАГРИ БЪЛГАРИЯ АД Сеялка за окопни култури VADERSTAD TEMPO TPT 6 по договори с ТАЙТЪН МАШИНЪРИ БЪЛГАРИЯ ЕАД Навигация - оборудване специализирано за селскостопанска техника Trimble, Basic GFX-750 and NAV-900, Trimble, (No Radio) Isobus, Bundle AutoPilot No Expiry High Accuracy Навигация - управлениена секции и норми към оборудване специализираноза селскостопанска техника Trimble, Isobus Task Controller по договор с НИК ЕЛЕКТРОНИК ООД. 470 178.62 489 580.45
Засаждане на биологично лавандулово насаждение върху площ от 178.146 дка върху имоти в землищата на с. Стожер; с. Соколник, с. Бранище и град Добрич: Закупуване на посадъчен матриал и осъществяване на агротехнически мероприятие по засаждане на178.146 дка върху имоти в землищата на с. Стожер; с. Соколник, с. Бранище и град Добрич по договор с Иван Славов Иванов 140 379.05 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).