Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


With this investment project for the purchase of agricultural machinery and planting material, Yordan Mitkov Dimitrov applied for the first time for financial support under sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" of the Dobrichka LAG's Strategy, supported by the Rural Development Program of BG for the period 2014-2020.
For the current 2018/2019 agricultural year, the agricultural area cultivated within the holding is 19,859 decares in the land of the village of Kozloduytsi, Dobrichka municipality. The applicant is engaged in the production of agricultural produce on land for rent.
This project proposal is for the purchase of agricultural equipment necessary for the processing of the areas sown with lavender plantations. The type of arable land requires the purchase of modern equipment with the necessary capacity, service support and above all high productivity. It is important to note that at the moment of application, the holding of ZS Dimitrov does not have its own tangible assets.
The investment will be realized with bank credit within 18 months after the formal approval of the project and signing of a contract with the LAG Dobrichka and the PA.
The technique will be bought "Stoykovi Universe" Ltd., Aksakovo, with the representation of which is signed a contract for sale and sale.
The propagation material will be purchased by a person entered in the register of seed and seed producers at IASAS, at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на посадъчен материал - лавандула, сорт "Севтополис" от сердифициран производител: За засаждане на 30,500 дка ще бъдат закупени 61 000 броя корена лавандула (по 2000 бр./дка) на обща стойност 12 200 лв. (дванадесет хиляди и двеста лева) без включен ДДС. Посадъчният материал ще бъде закупен от ЗС Добрин Начев Начев - гр. Генерал Тошево, регистриран в Областна дирекция „Земеделие“-гр. Добрич, вписан в регистъра на производителите на посевен и посадъчен материал под № 25П0Т3635, том VIII, стр. 3635 при ИАСАС, към МЗХ. 12 200.00 0.00
Закупуване на земеделска техника: Проектното предложение предвижда закупуване на следните активи: Трактор Kubota M5091 - 1 бр., на стойност: 72000,00 лв. Косачка за лавандула , МПЛ „Магдалена“ - 1 бр., на стойност 21000,00 лв. Окопен култиватор за лавандула КЛ „Деян" - 1 бр., 4000,00 лв. Роторна фреза Del Morino HRA - 1 бр., 9337,50 лв. доставчик: “Стойкови Универс“ ООД 110 337.50 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).