Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


This project proposal is aimed at purchasing the necessary assets related to the provision of the necessary machinery for processing of the areas managed by the company in the village of Shipot. The purpose of their acquisition is to optimize the costs of production of harvested cereals and oilseeds in order to reduce their cost and improve the financial performance of the farm, respectively its competitiveness. That is why and in order to ensure the timely implementation of agro-technical measures, for the implementation of which the capacity of its own assets is insufficient, the applicant has organized a project for the purchase of the necessary specialized agricultural machinery.

The investment in the described assets is extremely necessary, as at the moment it does not have the necessary capacity and set of equipment and external contractors are hired to carry out part of the processing. The introduction and operation of the purchased equipment and machinery subject to investment will lead to precise and quality implementation of the activities for the cultivation of the harvested areas and application of appropriate methods and ways of their implementation related to the application of the principles of conservation agriculture, minimization and refinement of cultivation. and shredding crop residues and introducing them into the soil in order to improve its fertility, which is an innovative solution for the farm, which helps to protect the components of the environment and provides a suitable habitat for the existence of a large part of the ecosystems in the managed lands. This in turn ensures the preservation of the most important component and resource in the farm, namely the soil, which guarantees good results for the farm and its economic profitability.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на трактор, прикачен инвентар и специализирано навигационно оборудване за автоматичне контрол за обезпечаване на производствената дейност на земеделското стопанство на фирма АГРОИЗВОР ООД: Закупуване на: - ТРАКТОР MCCORMICK X5.55 - 1 бр. - СЕЯЛКА ЗА СЛЕТИ КУЛТУРИ ELVORTI ALFA 4 - 1 бр. - НАДРОБИТЕЛ RINIERI TRL 225 - 1 бр. - БРАНА ДИСКОВА ELVORTI БДП-6000 - 1 бр. - РАЗДРОБИТЕЛ ПРИКАЧЕН ОРУДИЦА РП - 6.0 - 1 бр. - НАВИГАЦИОННА СИСТЕМА TOPCON XD+ - 1 бр. - ДОПЪЛНИТЕЛНО ОБОРУДВАНЕ към TOPCON XD+ ЕЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИ ВОЛАН AES-35 - 1 бр. - ДОПЪЛНИТЕЛНО ОБОРУДВАНЕ към TOPCON XD+ RTK КОРЕКЦИЯ - 1 бр. - ДОПЪЛНИТЕЛНО ОБОРУДВАНЕ към TOPCON XD+ ОКАБЕЛЯВАНЕ - 1 бр. За консултантски услуги (Бизнес план) за подготовка и управление на проекта към проектното предложение са приложени най-малко три съпоставими независими оферти ведно с отправени от кандидата запитвания за оферти и договор с избрания изпълнител. Разходите за това перо са заложени в Раздел III. РАЗХОДИ ЗА УСЛУГИ от бюджета на проектното предложение. 220 487.80 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).