Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


The project proposal is an investment in the modernization of the agricultural equipment of the Agricultural Producer Milen Yosifov Ivanov. The project envisages the purchase of agricultural equipment: a trailed sprayer, a fertilizer spreader and a seed driller, which will be used in the traditional activity of the farm to cultivate agricultural properties - a total of 2439,885 decares, located in the lands of the town of Belene and village of Byala voda, Belene municipality, Pleven district, as follows:
- common (soft) wheat - 900,000 decares;
- corn for grain - 1013,841 decares;
- sunflower - 526,044 decares.
The newly purchased assets will be stored in the existing own base of the agricultural producer located in Belene, "Polska" street, Stopanski dvor area (UPI VII, district 128-A, according to the cadastral map of the town of Belene).
In the selection, delivery and subsequent operation of the equipment, optimal protection of the components of the environment will be observed, in compliance with the standards of the European Union and improvement of conditions in agricultural holdings. 
The agricultural equipment subject to the project proposal (mounted sprayer, fertilizer spreader and a seed driller) is included in Appendix No. 3 List of assets for which reference prices 2020 have been determined by the State Fund Agriculture. Complying with the requirements of item 9 of section 14.2 Conditions for the eligibility of expenses from the Conditions of Application, for each requested expense (each asset) a request for an offer has been made and submitted one independent offer that contains the name of the offeror, the period of validity of the offer, the date of issue of the offer, signature and seal of the offeror, detailed technical specification of the assets, price in levs  with specified VAT. The applicant is an agricultural producer and does not fall into the category of "contractor" within the meaning of the Public Procurement Act.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Доставка на земеделска техника (прикачен инвентар): Предвижда се закупуването на 3 броя земеделска техника (прикачен инвентар), както следва: - Прикачна пръскачка Berthold Tracker 32-34 с щанга ALS 24; - Торачка Kverneland Exacta CL GEO, лиценз, обем 1300 л + 3Х500 л; - Сеялка Irtem, модел универсална, без торовнасяне, 31 DD. Горепосочената техника ще се използва в стопанството на земеделския производител и ще допринесе за по-бързата, по-удобна, по-икономична и по-екологична работа в стопанството. Изборът на техниката е съобразен с вида на отглежданите култури, с обработваните площи, количествата продукция и СПО на стопанството. Подготовката и изпълнението на дейността следва указаното в Условията за кандидатстване, при съблюдаване изискванията за набиране на оферти, вземане на решения за определяне стойността на разходите, сключването на предварителни договори и др. 145 570.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).