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000695089 ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE AGENCY България, гр.София, 1606, бул. "Македония" 3

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
Preparation of project: Road I-1 (E-79) Vidin-Montana-Vratsa 01.01.2014 1 932 103.09 1 932 103.09 0.00 1 932 103.09 96 Closed (completion date)
Struma Motorway – Lot 3.1, Lot 3.3 and Zheleznitsa Tunnel 24.09.2015 762 454 803.61 753 998 719.71 8 456 083.90 635 280 566.47 100 In execution (starting date)
Preparation for Completion of Black Sea Motorway 19.02.2016 2 592 000.00 2 592 000.00 0.00 0.00 43 Terminated (termination date)
Europa Motorway from km 15+500 to km 48+903 01.03.2016 278 586 072.43 276 783 190.03 1 802 882.40 254 659 337.05 94 In execution (starting date)
Lot 8 "Road III-904 Staro Orqhovo - Dolni Chiflik - Grozdyovo from km 0+000 to km 17+377.07, with a total length of 17.377, Varna region" 09.05.2016 9 155 448.23 9 155 448.23 0.00 9 155 448.23 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 9 "Road III-904 Grozdyovo - Provadiq from km 23+403 to km 29+928.99 and from 36+205 to km 41+705.18, with a total length of 12.026 km, Varna region" 09.05.2016 6 799 109.21 6 799 109.21 0.00 6 799 109.21 24 Closed (completion date)
Lot 1 „Road ІІ-57 Stara Zagora-Radnevo-road ІІ-55 from km 0+250 to km 11+075 and from km 12+460 to km 40+554, with a total length of 38.919 km, regions of Sliven and Stara Zagora” 09.05.2016 22 087 134.85 22 087 134.85 0.00 22 087 134.85 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 2 "Road II-81 Kostinbrod - Buchin prohod from km 8+200 to km 30+400, with total length of 22.200km, Sofia region" 09.05.2016 10 720 790.81 10 720 790.81 0.00 10 720 790.81 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 10 "Road III-1002 Vratsa - cave "Ledenika" from km 0+160 to km 17+588,80 with a total length of 17.429, Vratsa region" 09.05.2016 11 514 606.83 11 514 606.83 0.00 11 514 606.83 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 3 „Road II-81 Buchin prohod - Berkoviza from km 30+400 to km 51+235, with total length of 20.835 km, Sofia region” 09.05.2016 11 544 739.53 11 544 739.53 0.00 11 544 739.53 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 4 „Road ІІ-29 Varna – Dobrich from km 20+394.73 to km 23+199.86 and from km 25+342 to km 38+100.31 with total length of 15,563 km, regions of Varna and Dobrich” 09.05.2016 8 251 814.66 8 251 814.66 0.00 8 251 814.66 26 Closed (completion date)
Lot 7 "Road II-35 Pleven_Lovech from km 13+600 to km 25+384, with total length 11.784 km, Pleven Region 09.05.2016 5 229 801.42 5 229 801.42 0.00 5 229 801.42 30 Closed (completion date)
Lot 5 „Road ІІ-29 Dobrich – Kardam from km 38+100.31 to km 52+168.81 with a total length of 14,069 km, region of Dorich” 09.05.2016 13 004 269.17 13 004 269.17 0.00 13 004 269.17 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 13 „Road ІІ-49 Targovishte – Razgrad from km 9+800 to km 11+832.85 and from km 11+942.87 to km 30+658.87, with a total length of 20.749 km, region of Razgrad” 09.05.2016 13 694 461.42 13 694 461.42 0.00 13 694 461.42 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 14 "Road II-49 Kubrat-Tutrakan from km 89+100 to km 98+875.82, with a total length 9.776 kmq Silistra Region 09.05.2016 4 628 232.80 4 628 232.80 0.00 4 628 232.80 24 Closed (completion date)
Lot 11 „Road II-44 /bypass road Sevlievo – Veliko Tarnovo/ - Sevlievo – Draganovtsi from km 0+000 to km 14+600, with a total length of 14,600 km, region of Gabrovo“ 09.05.2016 11 978 066.35 11 978 066.35 0.00 11 978 066.35 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 15 "Road III-107 (Dupnitsa bypass - Blagoevgrad bypass) - Kocherinovo - Rila - Rila Monastery from km 11+010 to km 30+792.57, with a total length 19.782 km, Kyustendil Region" 09.05.2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24 Terminated (termination date)
Lot 12 „Road II-44 Draganovtsi – Gabrovo from km 14+600 to km 23+978.36 and from km 25+731 to km 28+972.75, with a total length of 12,620 km, region of Gabrovo” 09.05.2016 10 023 804.92 10 023 804.92 0.00 10 023 804.92 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 6 “Road II-86 Plovdiv – Asenovgrad from km 14+860 to km 25+150 with a total length of 10,290 km, region of Plovdiv” 25.05.2016 14 212 299.53 14 212 299.53 0.00 14 212 299.53 36 Closed (completion date)
Providing financing for the payment of monthly salaries of employees in the Agency "Road Infrastructure" that perform functions related to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the projects under Operational Programme "Transport and transport infrastructure" 2014-2020 and the successful completion of the Operational Programme "Transport 2007-2013 11.08.2016 2 495 808.00 2 495 808.00 0.00 2 495 808.00 57 Closed (completion date)
Improving the administrative capacity of the "Road infrastructure" Agency in order to successfully implement the projects under Priority Axis 7 "Regional Infrastructure" OPRD 2014-2020, 11.10.2016 211 208.87 211 208.87 0.00 211 208.87 60 Closed (completion date)
Lot 17 "Road III-306 Cherven briag - Chomakovtsi from km 9+715 to km 19+207, with a total length of 9.492, Pleven region" 13.01.2017 6 743 707.03 6 743 707.03 0.00 6 743 707.03 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 16 „Road II-35 lovech – Troyan - Kurnare from km 37+393 to km 46+105, with a total length of 8,712 km, region of Lovech” 13.01.2017 12 495 757.00 12 495 757.00 0.00 12 495 757.00 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 18 "Road IІІ-112 Dabova mahala-Montana from km 10+500 to km 16+174, from km 20+579 to km 27+736.15, from km 29+675 to km 36+654.63 and from km 37+825 to km 47+806.74, total length 29,793 km, Montana Region“ 24.01.2017 14 177 540.34 14 177 540.34 0.00 14 177 540.34 36 Closed (completion date)
Preparation of project AM Ruse - Veliko Turnovo 10.04.2017 1 407 060.04 1 407 060.04 0.00 1 134 544.93 81 In execution (starting date)
Lot 21 "Road III-663 Chirpan Simeonovgrad from km 34+600 to km 54+83561, with total length of 20.236 km, Haskovo region" 12.04.2017 12 478 496.16 12 478 496.16 0.00 12 478 496.16 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 19 "Road III-663 Chirpan - Simeonovgrad from km 0+000 to km 15+220, with a total length of 15.220, Stara Zagora region" 12.04.2017 10 365 912.93 10 365 912.93 0.00 10 365 912.93 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 23 „Road ІІI-866 Border RRA Plovdiv - Krichim from km 88+050 to km 103+341, with a total length of 15.291 km, regions of Plovdiv and Smolian” 12.04.2017 21 292 605.88 21 292 605.88 0.00 21 292 605.88 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 20 "Road III-663 Chirpan-Simeonovgrad from km 15+220 to km 28+913,25 and from km 31+742 to km 33+364,30, with a total length 15.316 km, Stara Zagora Region and Haskovo Region" 13.04.2017 9 204 732.60 9 204 732.60 0.00 9 204 732.60 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 22 „Road ІІI-866 Mihalkovo - Border RRA Smolian from km 66+857 to km 88+050, with a total length of 21.193 km, region of Smolian” 13.04.2017 27 720 525.80 27 720 525.80 0.00 27 720 525.80 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 25 Road III-109 " І-1 - Melnik" from km 0+528 to km 12+815, with a total length of 12.287, Blagoevgrad region" 12.07.2017 8 138 326.11 8 138 326.11 0.00 8 138 326.11 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 26 „Road III-507 Kardzhali – Most - Manastir from km 0+055 to km 26+109, with a total length of 26,054 km, region of Kardzhali” 12.07.2017 15 899 713.41 15 899 713.41 0.00 15 899 713.41 42 Closed (completion date)
Providing financing for trainings and trips abroad and work meetings in the country for employees of Agency "Road Infrastructure" whose functions are directly related to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of projects under OP "Transport and Transport infrastructure "2014 - 2020 18.07.2017 685 529.45 685 529.45 0.00 573 006.94 72 In execution (starting date)
Lot 24 „Road ІІI-866 Smolian - Stoikite - Shiroka laka from km 8+225.53 to km 11+557.32 and from km 26+600 to km 50+484.86, with a total length of 27.217 km, region of Smolian” 19.07.2017 23 625 200.85 23 255 032.20 370 168.65 23 255 032.20 36 Closed (completion date)
Prevention and counteraction of landslide processes on the Republican road network - Phase 1 02.05.2018 2 449 327.34 2 449 327.34 0.00 2 449 327.34 28 Closed (completion date)
„Burgas bypass road“ („Burgas bypass road from km 230+700 of road I-9 Sarafovo-Burgas to km 493+550 of road I-6 Vetren-Burgas and local lanes“) 18.06.2018 83 400 174.66 79 419 694.02 3 980 480.64 79 419 694.02 62 Closed (completion date)
Improving the specialized knowledge and skills of Road Infrastructure Agency staff for the use of spatial data and geospatial technologies 16.07.2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 Terminated (termination date)
Lot 27 Road II-62 Dupnica-Klisura from km 42+2632 to km 59+07166, with a total lenght 16,80846 km, Kustendil Region 18.02.2019 10 431 611.78 6 070 282.42 4 361 329.36 6 070 282.42 24 Closed (completion date)
Lot 28 Road II-62 Klisura-Samokov from km 62+922 to km 78+633, with a total lenght 15,711 km, Sofia Region" 18.02.2019 15 028 016.59 11 984 040.83 3 043 975.76 11 984 040.83 30 Closed (completion date)
Lot 29 Road ІІІ-208 Provadiya - Duskotna from km 49+184 to km 65+933, with a total lenght 16.749 km, Region Burgas, Varna " 18.02.2019 12 312 884.98 4 516 460.89 7 796 424.09 4 516 460.89 36 Closed (completion date)
Lot 30 Road ІІІ-208 Duskotna- Aytos from km 65+933 to km 82+749, with a total lenght 16.749 km, Region Burgas " 18.02.2019 9 442 450.78 4 222 880.72 5 219 570.06 4 222 880.72 36 Closed (completion date)
Development and implementation of intelligent transport system within the "Trakia" highway 23.03.2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36 Terminated (termination date)
"Organization and maintenance of existing archive projects under OPT 2007 - 2013 of "Road Infrastructure Agency" 09.04.2019 144 276.00 144 276.00 0.00 144 276.00 42 Closed (completion date)
Providing financing for the payment of monthly salaries of employees in the Agency "Road Infrastructure" that perform functions related to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the projects under Operational Programme "Transport and transport infrastructure" 2014-2020 01.03.2020 2 399 139.64 2 360 342.96 38 796.68 2 360 342.96 30 Closed (completion date)
Improvement of the professional skills and competence of the employees of the territorial units of the Road Infrastructure Agency in Northern Bulgaria 04.06.2020 127 198.32 127 198.32 0.00 127 198.32 18 Closed (completion date)
Improvement of the professional skills and competence of the employees of the territorial units of the Road Infrastructure Agency in Southern Bulgaria 04.06.2020 125 119.09 125 119.09 0.00 125 119.09 18 Closed (completion date)
Lot 32 "Road II-23 Ruse - Kubrat from km 0+030 to km 21+550, with total length 21,520 km , Ruse Region“ 31.07.2020 26 970 257.60 26 970 257.60 0.00 20 226 353.34 36 In execution (starting date)
Lot 33 "Road II-23 Ruse - Kubrat from km 21+550 to km 46+771, with total length 25,221 km , Ruse and Razgrad Regions“ 31.07.2020 26 360 270.82 26 360 270.82 0.00 20 090 207.00 36 In execution (starting date)
Lot 31 "Road II-53 Policraishte-Elena - Sliven from km 34+400 to km 46+290 and from km72+200 to km 87+301 , with a total lenght 26,991 km, Sliven and Veliko Tarnovo Regions" 02.10.2020 50 826 790.68 32 732 478.27 18 094 312.41 4 635 573.01 55 In execution (starting date)
Lot 35 „Road III-2077 Kableshkovo - Mejden from km 11 + 000 to km 20 + 564.83, with a total length of 9,565 km, Region Silistra " 06.10.2020 7 616 138.28 7 616 138.28 0.00 5 779 746.70 32 In execution (starting date)
Lot 36 "Road III-9004 Varna - Beloslav - Razdelna - Padina - Jitnitsa from km 18+212 to km 21+176, from km 24+169 to km 25+604 , from km 27+400 to km 41+839, with a total lenght 18.838 km, Region Varna" 13.10.2020 18 051 922.34 18 051 922.34 0.00 12 942 889.54 31 In execution (starting date)
Lot 34 „Road III-559 Polski gradezt – Topolovgrad - Ustrem from km 4+500 to km 23+520 and from km 35+060 to km 39+450, with a total length of 23,41 km, region of Haskovo” 13.10.2020 22 732 825.86 22 732 825.86 0.00 21 267 454.32 36 In execution (starting date)
Prevention and counteraction of landslide processes on the Republican road network - Phase 2 16.11.2020 16 237 329.41 16 237 329.41 0.00 16 237 329.41 42 Closed (completion date)
Improvement of the administrative capacity of the Road Infrastructure Agency for the purpose of successful implementation of the projects funded under Priority Axis 7 "Regional Infrastructure" of OPRG 2014-2020 and successful start of the new program period 2021-2027. 03.04.2023 593 245.95 593 245.95 0.00 593 245.95 9 Closed (completion date)
Construction of "Kalotina-Sofia" Motorway - Lot 1 "Western arc of Sofia Ring Road (SRR)" , phase 2 29.09.2023 115 671 717.60 115 408 769.04 262 948.56 94 243 191.13 96 In execution (starting date)
Pilot initiative for connectivity in the South-Eastern region - Improving the connectivity of the secondary and tertiary road network in the Burgas region with the Trans-European transport network for goods and passengers through the reconstruction of roads, incl. construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and repair (main and/or ongoing) of republican, forest and municipal roads 06.11.2023 41 097 570.96 41 097 570.96 0.00 33 079 972.23 3 In execution (starting date)
Improvement of the efficiency of the road sector in Bulgaria 10.06.2024 7 971 871.00 7 971 871.00 0.00 0.00 33 In execution (starting date)

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a Partner (4)

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a contractor (5)

The organization does not participate in projects as a Subcontractor

The organization does not participate in projects as a member of the Consortium


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).