BG65ISPR001-3.002 Procedure № 2, Specific objective 1 "Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with trhird countries and international organizations", Specific objective 2 "Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competant authorities in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with cross border dimension" and Specific objective 3 "Supporting the stregthening of member state's capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicatiosation as well managing security related incidents, risks and crises, including through incresed cooperation between public authorities, relevant unioun bodies, offices or agencies, civil socity and private partners in different member states"
Strengthening International Cooperation (EUROPEAN OPERATIONAL TEAM Costa del Sol)
129010068 International Project Directorate – MoI
In execution (starting date)
Location of Performance