Exchange of information
35 753 840.37
26 815 380.27
8 938 460.10
21 355 535.64
16 016 651.76
5 338 883.88
1 349 840.16
1 012 380.12
337 460.04
Procedure Code |
Procedure Name |
Contracted Amounts |
Actual amounts paid |
Total |
% of Implementation |
EU Funding |
NF Funding |
Self-financing by the Beneficiary |
Total |
% of Implementation |
EU Funding |
NF Funding |
BG65ISPR001-3.002 |
Procedure № 2, Specific objective 1 "Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with trhird countries and international organizations", Specific objective 2 "Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competant authorities in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with cross border dimension" and Specific objective 3 "Supporting the stregthening of member state's capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicatiosation as well managing security related incidents, risks and crises, including through incresed cooperation between public authorities, relevant unioun bodies, offices or agencies, civil socity and private partners in different member states" |
1 663 379.74
1 247 534.81
415 844.93
167 188.15
125 391.12
41 797.03
BG65ISPR001-3.001 |
Procedure №1, Specific objective "Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with trhird countries and international organizations" and Specific objective 2 "Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competant authorities in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with cross border dimension" and Specific objective 3 "Supporting the stregthening of member state's capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicatiosation as well managing security related incidents, risks and crises, including through incresed cooperation between public authorities, relevant unioun bodies, offices or agencies, civil socity and private partners in different member states" |
14 847 665.94
11 135 749.45
3 711 916.49
992 572.01
744 429.00
248 143.01
BG65ISPR001-3.007 |
Процедурата е насочена към подкрепата на действия, имащи за цел справянето с основните заплахи за сигурността, и по-специално предотвратяването на престъпността и полицейското сътрудничество, засилването на обмена на информация, оперативното сътрудничество и подкрепа за необходимите усилия за подобряване и интензифициране на трансграничното сътрудничество за превенция и борба с тежката и организираната престъпност. В рамките на процедурата ще се подпомага също обучението на съответните служители и експерти, както и добрата подготвеност на компетентните органи за посрещане на развиващите се и възникващите нови заплахи като радиологичните и ядрените заплахи. |
4 844 489.96
3 633 367.50
1 211 122.46
190 080.00
142 560.00
47 520.00

Cross-border cooperation
12 567 714.79
9 443 388.28
3 124 326.51
10 085 284.46
7 768 223.09
2 317 061.37
786 528.31
607 247.91
179 280.40
Procedure Code |
Procedure Name |
Contracted Amounts |
Actual amounts paid |
Total |
% of Implementation |
EU Funding |
NF Funding |
Self-financing by the Beneficiary |
Total |
% of Implementation |
EU Funding |
NF Funding |
BG65ISPR001-3.001 |
Procedure №1, Specific objective "Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with trhird countries and international organizations" and Specific objective 2 "Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competant authorities in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with cross border dimension" and Specific objective 3 "Supporting the stregthening of member state's capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicatiosation as well managing security related incidents, risks and crises, including through incresed cooperation between public authorities, relevant unioun bodies, offices or agencies, civil socity and private partners in different member states" |
7 432 040.00
5 574 029.99
1 858 010.01
653 773.19
490 329.89
163 443.30
BG65ISPR001-3.007 |
Процедурата е насочена към подкрепата на действия, имащи за цел справянето с основните заплахи за сигурността, и по-специално предотвратяването на престъпността и полицейското сътрудничество, засилването на обмена на информация, оперативното сътрудничество и подкрепа за необходимите усилия за подобряване и интензифициране на трансграничното сътрудничество за превенция и борба с тежката и организираната престъпност. В рамките на процедурата ще се подпомага също обучението на съответните служители и експерти, както и добрата подготвеност на компетентните органи за посрещане на развиващите се и възникващите нови заплахи като радиологичните и ядрените заплахи. |
496 097.07
372 072.79
124 024.28
BG65ISPR001-3.002 |
Procedure № 2, Specific objective 1 "Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with trhird countries and international organizations", Specific objective 2 "Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competant authorities in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with cross border dimension" and Specific objective 3 "Supporting the stregthening of member state's capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicatiosation as well managing security related incidents, risks and crises, including through incresed cooperation between public authorities, relevant unioun bodies, offices or agencies, civil socity and private partners in different member states" |
804 073.25
604 353.59
199 719.66
93 639.52
81 713.98
11 925.54
BG65ISPR001-3.006 |
Procedure No 2: Specific objective 3 'Support the strengthening of Member States' capacities to prevent and combat crime, terrorism and radicalisation and to manage security incidents, risks and crises, including through enhanced cooperation between public authorities, relevant Union bodies, services or agencies, civil society and private partners in the different Member States' and specific objective 2 'Improve and intensify cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between Member States and between Member States'. |
1 353 074.14
1 217 766.72
135 307.42
39 115.60
35 204.04
3 911.56

Preventing and combating crime
61 390 214.08
46 069 116.58
15 321 097.50
47 737 986.03
35 803 489.53
11 934 496.50
1 358 835.70
1 019 126.81
339 708.89
Procedure Code |
Procedure Name |
Contracted Amounts |
Actual amounts paid |
Total |
% of Implementation |
EU Funding |
NF Funding |
Self-financing by the Beneficiary |
Total |
% of Implementation |
EU Funding |
NF Funding |
BG65ISPR001-3.004 |
Procedure No 1 Specific objective 3 "Support the strengthening of Member States' capacities to prevent and combating crime, terrorism and radicalisation, as well as managing security-related incidents, risks and crises, including through increased cooperation between public authorities, relevant Union bodies, offices or agencies, civil society and private partners in different Member States" |
2 819 132.58
2 114 349.45
704 783.13
208 727.73
156 545.80
52 181.93
BG65ISPR001-3.002 |
Procedure № 2, Specific objective 1 "Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with trhird countries and international organizations", Specific objective 2 "Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competant authorities in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with cross border dimension" and Specific objective 3 "Supporting the stregthening of member state's capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicatiosation as well managing security related incidents, risks and crises, including through incresed cooperation between public authorities, relevant unioun bodies, offices or agencies, civil socity and private partners in different member states" |
19 366 917.00
14 525 187.75
4 841 729.25
4 740.20
3 555.15
1 185.05
BG65ISPR001-3.006 |
Procedure No 2: Specific objective 3 'Support the strengthening of Member States' capacities to prevent and combat crime, terrorism and radicalisation and to manage security incidents, risks and crises, including through enhanced cooperation between public authorities, relevant Union bodies, services or agencies, civil society and private partners in the different Member States' and specific objective 2 'Improve and intensify cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between Member States and between Member States'. |
6 488 387.67
4 866 290.75
1 622 096.92
31 692.32
23 769.24
7 923.08
BG65ISPR001-3.007 |
Процедурата е насочена към подкрепата на действия, имащи за цел справянето с основните заплахи за сигурността, и по-специално предотвратяването на престъпността и полицейското сътрудничество, засилването на обмена на информация, оперативното сътрудничество и подкрепа за необходимите усилия за подобряване и интензифициране на трансграничното сътрудничество за превенция и борба с тежката и организираната престъпност. В рамките на процедурата ще се подпомага също обучението на съответните служители и експерти, както и добрата подготвеност на компетентните органи за посрещане на развиващите се и възникващите нови заплахи като радиологичните и ядрените заплахи. |
BG65ISPR001-3.001 |
Procedure №1, Specific objective "Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with trhird countries and international organizations" and Specific objective 2 "Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competant authorities in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with cross border dimension" and Specific objective 3 "Supporting the stregthening of member state's capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicatiosation as well managing security related incidents, risks and crises, including through incresed cooperation between public authorities, relevant unioun bodies, offices or agencies, civil socity and private partners in different member states" |
19 063 548.78
14 297 661.58
4 765 887.20
1 113 675.45
835 256.62
278 418.83

Technical assistance
4 939 673.10
4 939 673.10
There are no procedures by this Priority Axis