Saved trees

Programme: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security

Planning region: All


The project proposal includes the construction of new playgrounds in four settlements on the territory of the municipality. The sites will be located on suitable grounds, open, publicly accessible and equipped with appropriate facilities and facilities for play and recreation. The activities envisaged are the cleaning of the adjacent terrain, the laying of the base with suitable flooring and the installation of children's outdoor play equipment on shock absorbing rubber flooring, ensuring human safety. The rest of the playground envisages grassing and planting vegetation and creating a place for recreation. There will be children's facilities, 5 benches and 4 waste bins. It is planned to install a single combined children's facility with two cottages-terraces, an educational game, a double slide of 100 cm and an inclined climbing wall with steps for children from 2-6 years.There will be a double combined pendulum swing for different age category of children - 0-3d and 3-12d; a number of sports equipment for the balance - a baby climbing ladder, consisting of a vertical tubular ladder, a vertical cable ladder, a climbing rope, a vertical alpine wall, gymnastic rings, a horizontal rope platform and a hanger. The elements of the playground furnishings will be arranged so as not to impede and impede the play and access of disabled users and associates. Around the play facilities and elements of the play facilities intended for users with disabilities, there will be free space sufficient for wheelchair maneuvering, subject to regulatory requirements for building an accessible environment.
The playground will be surrounded by a colored metal fence and wooden elements with a maximum width of 1.20m, with two entrances.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Изграждане, оборудване и/или обзавеждане на детски площадки в с. Горна Митрополия, с. Подем, с. Брегаре и с. Рибен, община Долна Митрополия.: В изпълнение на дейността се предвижда да бъдат изградени нови детски площадки в четири населени места от територията на общината. Площадките ще бъдат разположени на подходящи за целта терени, открити, общодостъпни и оборудвани с подходящите уреди и съоръжения за игра и отдих. Ще бъдат монтирани: комбинирано детско съоръжение за игра, пързалка, двойна детска люлка тип „махало“ за различна възрастова категория деца, спортно съоръжение за баланс-детска катерушка, пейки с облегалки и кошчета за отпадъци. Всяка детска площадка ще бъде оградена с цветна ограда от метална конструкция и дървени елементи с два входа. 123 090.28 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).