Saved trees

Programme: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security

Planning region: All


Aquaproject 2020 Ltd. is a micro-enterprise in the field of aquaculture. Under the current project of Aquaproject 2020 Ltd. it is envisaged to build additional facilities for trout farms in the village of Kapinovo, Veliko Tarnovo municipality with closed production process from hatching of larvae, through rearing of fishery material, to fattening of fish for consumption. The investment in equipment will support the production of 55 tonnes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and the additional construction of pools will cover the demand for valuable commercial fishery material. The project proposal envisages investments in construction activities for the construction of these pools, investment in the purchase of auxiliary equipment and the supply of mini tractors and forklifts for the warehouse and transport needs of the farm.
Efforts will be made on the project proposal to meet the selection criteria under measure 2.11. "Productive Aquaculture Investments" and earn 61 points:
- Keeping existing jobs on the farm;
- Achievement of a positive Net present value of the investment within the first 5 years of project implementation;
- Main activity in aquaculture - in the last 3 years the company has 100% revenues only from aquaculture activities;
- Investment to provide better working conditions by providing a place of leisure for working staff;
- Investing in the reproduction and production process by creating 6 pools for the production of fishery material within the farm;
- Species with very good market potential - rainbow trout, sturgeon, European catfish, carp;
- Innovation on the farm - screw for regulating the flow of water to the pools according to the attached contract for the purchase of patent know-how.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Допълващи съоръжения към пъстървово стопанство съгласно приложена подробна КСС и оферта за строителство: Изграждане на 6 броя басейни за отглеждане на зарибител от ключови стопански видове съгласно приложено КС и оферта за СМР 979 338.84 979 338.84
Закупуване на специализирана складова техника и складови транспортни средства за обслужване на стопанството: Доставка на Електрокар и Минитрактор с челен товарач за разнос на фураж с характеристики съгласно приложена оферта 30 616.00 30 300.00
Разход за доставка и окомплектоване на 1 бр. сервизен плавателен съд: Доставка и окомплектоване на Лодка с двигател и ремарке с характеристики съгласно приложена оферта 24 083.00 0.00
Инвестиция в Съоръжения и/или оборудване за подобряване безопасността и условията на труд: Помещение за отдих за отдих на обслужващия персонал съгласно приложена оферта 14 161.16 14 000.00
Строителен надзор: Осигуряване на строителен надзор за Изграждане на 6 броя басейни за отглеждане на зарибител от ключови стопански видове съгласно приложено КС и оферта за СМР 42 200.00 19 500.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).