FARM DELTA Ltd. is applying for the purchase of specialized equipment for growing cereals and oilseeds. The investment intentions are for an investment in the amount of BGN 453,500.00 without VAT. The project involves investments and activities that are implemented in a disadvantaged area and in a rural area. Our intentions are to further increase the efficiency of tillage and harvesting. At the moment we are preparing for sowing areas in the amount of 2400 decares. The current business plan is developed on the basis of 2400 decares, and we intend to expand the scope and volume of our agribusiness. The subject of our investment are: 1. Lamborchini tractor, model Spark, 2. GPS navigation system, 3. Disc harrow brand AGRO MASZ, model BT 40H, 4. Additional equipment for the disc harrow, 5. Cultivator brand AGRO MASZ, model VIBRO 60, 6. Additional equipment for cultivator, 7. Sprayer model BOGUSLAV, model KRONOS OPK 2500-118, 8. Additional equipment for sprayer. The purchase of the equipment will cover the needs of our farm for tillage and other activities needed on the farm.
Contracted Amount
Reported Amount
обновяване на наличните материални и/или нематериални активи, чрез закупуване на нови машини: закупуване на селскостопанска техника, за обработка на използваната в стопанството земя
225 000.00
225 000.00
инвестиции и дейности , допринасящи за устойчиво , цифрово, прецизно и интелигентно земеделие: закупуване на GPS навигационна система, необходима за по-добро управление на процесите, закупуване на пръскачка BOGUSLAV,
140 700.00
140 700.00
опазване на компонентите на околната среда, намаляване на почвената ерозия: Прикачен инвентар - Дискова брана AGRO MASZ , с включено допълнително оборудване за по-прецизна работа, Култиватор, марка AGRO MASZ, с допълнително оборудване,
87 800.00
87 800.00
Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN