The current project of AGROPID EOOD envisages investments in the purchase of modern and innovative agricultural machinery and automated equipment for growing perennial crops.
The agricultural equipment intended for purchase through PII / set of automatic branch shears with complete set, hole digger for aeration of roots set, tractor, deepener with hydraulic control of rollers, navigation system with display and antenna, cultivator electronic system and camera, automated protection system from frosts and a weather station with a complete set/ is necessary to ensure the production process in the cultivation of perennial cherry plantations.
Investments in assets foreseen under project create conditions for technological and ecological modernization of production processes in crop production, through the use of technological solutions that provide the possibility of traceability and control of operations, including analysis and processing of data through mutual interaction.
The planned project investment fully meets the principles and objectives of support through the Mechanism for Recovery and Sustainability, oriented towards digital and innovative production technologies, as well as those directly related to greening and environmental protection components.
The planned investment within the project fully coincides with the permissible costs and activities of the procedure, while meeting the highest standards of production related to the introduction of innovative production technologies with maximum protection of the components of the environment.
Through the implementation of the project, the efficiency in the use of resources will increase thanks to the complex use of the investments planned for purchase under the project, which represent a combination of technological solutions based on modern innovative and digital technologies that meet the most modern environmental standards.
Contracted Amount
Reported Amount
Технологична и екологична модернизация на земеделското стопанство чрез закупуване на съвременни иновативни цифрови технологии за отглеждане на трайни насаждения.: Дейността включва закупуването на комплект автомачични ножици за клони с окомлектовка, ямкокопател за аериране на корени комплект, трактор, продълбочител с хидравлично управление на валяците, навигационна система с дисплей и антена, култиватор електронна система и камера, автоматизирана система за защита от слани и метеостанция с окомлектовка.
938 103.19
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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN