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Programme: Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups

Planning region: All


The project proposal envisages the provision of social and integrated health and social services in a home environment in the municipality of Dolna Banya for a minimum of 29 persons with disabilities and elderly people dependent on care.
Activities to be performed:
1. Provision of hourly mobile integrated health and social services at homes and psychological support for elderly people unable to care for themselves and persons with disabilities.
2. Delivery of food, foodstuffs and basic necessities, as well as providing transport to the personnel providing the services from/to the homes of the individuals. Paying household bills, requesting and receiving urgent administrative and household services (with user funds).
3. Providing the persons from the target group with information on prevention and prevention of health and socially significant diseases, including consultations with a nutritionist, etc. specialists if necessary.
4. Providing supervision and training to employees providing hourly mobile integrated health and social services in a home environment.
Within this project, visibility, transparency and communication activities, as well as organization and management activities will be carried out alongside the direct project activities.
The services will be provided on an hourly basis, for a period of 18 months, based on the identified needs of the individuals from the target group, as a result of an assessment of individual needs and selection of users.
By carrying out the activities, which are entirely aimed at elderly people with limitations or unable to care for themselves, as well as at people with disabilities for whom there is a need for hourly services, the public interest is protected and the needs of the population are met.
The measures of the current project are aimed at increasing the quality of life, promoting social inclusion and integration into society of disadvantaged groups in the municipality of Dolna Banya.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Предоставяне на грижа в дома: Целта на тази дейност е предоставяне на почасови интегрирани здравно-социални услуги по домовете и психологическа подкрепа за период от 18 месеца на минимум 29 потребители от следната целева група: възрастни хора в невъзможност за самообслужване и лица с увреждания. Услугите ще бъдат предоставяни почасово на базата на идентифицираните нужди на лицата от целевата група, в резултат на извършена оценка на индивидуалните потребности и подбор на потребителите. Дейността включва: 1. Предоставяне на почасови мобилни интегрирани здравно-социални услуги по домовете и психологическа подкрепа за възрастни хора в невъзможност за самообслужване и лица с увреждания. 2. Доставка на храна, хранителни продукти и продукти от първа необходимост, както и осигуряване на транспорт на персонала, предоставящ услугите, от/до домовете на лицата. Допустимо е също така заплащане на битови сметки, заявяване и получаване на неотложни административни и битови услуги (със средства на потребителите). 3. Предоставяне на лицата от целевата група на информация относно превенция и профилактика на здравето и социално значими заболявания, включително консултации с диетолог и др. специалисти при необходимост. 4. Осигуряване на супервизия и обучения на служителите, предоставящи почасови мобилни интегрирани здравно-социални услуги в домашна среда. 239 019.02 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).