Saved trees

Programme: Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups

Planning region: All


People's community center "Dryanovska probuda-2008" - the town of Dryanovo was established fifteen years ago, with the aim of preserving and reviving traditions, as well as to reveal new forms that help the spiritual growth of its fellow citizens.
The project proposal envisages the purchase of robots and equipment, with which to arouse the interest of children from the region, as well as of tourists visiting it, through an attraction and high technologies, in a non-standard way to get to know the tourist and historical sights of the territories of the municipalities of Dryanovo and Tryavna . Through educational games with robots, an accessible and attractive cultural environment will be created. Large tourist maps 120/100 cm/ of the municipalities of Dryanovo and Tryavna will be made with landmarks and QR codes added to each object. A short description will be created for each object, and the Fable robot will reproduce it through its display. The virtual reality glasses will be used to project high-quality 5.1K video footage of local landmarks captured by a drone in ultra-high definition; educational videos will be recorded, with the aim of getting to know the historical heritage, filmed in hard-to-reach places. Quizzes will be created - "Guess the site" - children must guess the tourist site shown on the interactive display, then learn more by searching for information on a specialized site (of Dryanovo municipality; 100 national historical sites in Bulgaria, etc.)
The HTC Vive Pro virtual reality glasses feature the most capable and complete virtual reality system ever created. Through the creative technologies that will be offered, smart tourism and the presentation of cultural and historical heritage in a high-tech way, the development of tourism in the region will be supported. The locality will be promoted as an extremely attractive destination, promoting the development of modern technologies.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на оборудване на туристически информационни центрове: С дейността по проекта ще бъдат закупено следното оборудване и обзавеждане : Роботи за ученици 13+ год. Dragon Knight 2 бр. Малък комплект за 8+ год. mBot2 6 бр. Комплект за 10+ год. mBot Ranger -4 бр. Интерактивен дисплей Samsung 65 - 1 бр. Очила за виртуална реалност HTC VIVE Pro Full Kit | The professional-grade VR headset - 4бр. Пълен компллект робот KUBO Robots - 5 бр. Комплект Shape Robotics Fable Go (4 бр.) и Fable Explore (4 бр.) Shape Robotics Fable Go (4 бр.) и Fable Explore (4 бр.)- 8бр. Дрон DJI Mavic 3 Cine Premium Combo - 1бр. Лаптопи Lenovo Legion 5 15" Gen 7 - 5 бр. Ученическа маса Jam, едноместна, над VIII клас-12бр. Детски стол Carmen 7024-1 – бял -12 бр. Изработване на туристически карти винил със забележителностите на региона-2 бр. Офис шкаф метален, 80 x 40 x 199 cm, метален, прахово боядисан - 2 бр. Чрез креативните технологии, които ще се предлагат, интелигентния туризъм и представянето на културно-историческо наследство по високотехнологичен начин, ще се подпомогне развитието на туризма в региона. Дейността, която ще се осъществят вследствие реализацията на проекта ще бъде насочена към повече от една уязвима група деца и ученици, независимо от техния здравен и социален статус, етническа принадлежност, деца със СОП и други. 66 042.19 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).