Saved trees

Programme: Science and Education for Smart Growth

Planning region: All


The project "Overhaul of a sports building at Sofia University" Vasil Levski "- Glavinitsa, Glavinitsa, Silistra, in Regulated Land I - 434, quarter 47, Glavinitsa, Silistra" concerns construction and installation works on major repairs of the existing high school building in the municipal center. The building is one-storey monolithic with reinforced concrete roof structure and LT sheet metal coating. The building functions as a sports hall with adjacent premises to Sofia University "Vasil Levski", Glavinitsa. The built-up area of ​​the building is 1084 sq.m. The building is old with a depreciated interior, which is a problem for its functioning, according to the needs of its teachers and students. Its overhaul is extremely necessary due to the fact that the wooden floor and the paneling on the walls are severely damaged and compromised and pose a danger to its users. The grandstand is completely damaged except for a few wooden seats left on the concrete base. The electrical installation is damaged, there is no fire-fighting one, due to which the hall does not meet the legal requirements in this direction.
In order to bring the sports building in line with all legal requirements for its operation, the municipality of Glavinitsa has prepared a technical project, which includes the implementation of the following activities:
• Dismantling of an existing floor and replacement with self-leveling vinyl flooring;
• Dismantling of wooden paneling on the walls of the hall and its vestibule and retreating latex paint on a completely new plaster and putty;
• Placing 135 new PVC seats on a stepped reinforced concrete structure of the stands after dismantling the other wooden seats;
• Replacement of electrical installation and construction of lightning protection installation;
 Implementation of a fire safety plan.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Строително-монтажни работи по основен ремонт на спортна сграда към СУ„Васил Левски“ – гр.Главиница, общ.Главиница, обл.Силистра, в УПИ I–434, кв.47, гр.Главиница, обл.Силистра: С оглед на привеждане на спортната сграда в съответствие с всички законови изисквания за нейното функциониране община Главиница е подготвила технически проект, които включва изпълнение на следните дейности: • Демонтаж на съществуващ под и подмяна със саморазливаща се винилова настилка; • Демонтаж на дървена ламперия по стени на залата и нейното предверие и ретиране латексова боя върху изцяло нова мазилка и шпакловка; • Поставяне на 135 нови PVC седалки върху стъпаловидна стоманобетонна конструкция на трибуните след демонтаж на останалите дървени седлки; • Подмяна на електрическа инсталация и изграждане на мълниезащитна инсталация; 195 000.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).