Saved trees

Programme: Science and Education for Smart Growth

Planning region: All


With the present project proposal, Zhelyo Radev Ivanov applied under measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" to the MIG-Nova Zagora SMR Strategy.
At the date of application, the farmer is mainly engaged in sheep farming. The breeding site is located on the land of Zagortsi village, Nova Zagora municipality.
The subject of the project is the purchase of agricultural machinery for performing mechanized activities for raising animals in the sheep farm. The subject matter of the project will be used both for the production of concentrated and coarse feed, as well as for the preparation of coarse feed, for animal feed, forage transport and other farm animal production activities. The investment under the project is expected to lead to a complete mechanization of the processes in the production of concentrated and coarse feed, as well as a reduction in the cost of the feed produced.
1. DEUTZ-FAHR wheeled tractor, 5120 G DT HD GS E4 - 1pc. it will be used to perform the following mechanized activities: plowing, sowing, hatching, baling of alfalfa and straw, transport of wheat, barley, bales of alfalfa and straw, follying of bales of alfalfa and cleaning of pastures and measures.
2. STOLL front loader, PROFILINE FZ 20 - 1pc. with the help of the tractor it will be used for loading and unloading bales of alfalfa and straw, because bales weigh about 300 - 350 kg. and other activities.
3. DEUTZ-FAHR, FM 330 baling machine - 1pc. with the help of the tractor will be used for baling alfalfa.
4. METAL - FACH, Z552 - 1pc. with the help of the tractor will be used for foil baling with alfalfa.
5. AGRO MASZ plow, POL 3 - 1pc. with the help of the tractor it will be used for plowing the land that will be sown with wheat and barley.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Инвестиране в модерна селскостопанска техника.: Инвестицията в модерна селскостопанска техника, чрез която с предвижда цялостно механизиране на процесите при производството на концентриран и груб фураж, както и намаляване на себестойността за произведения фураж, е както следва: 1.Колесен трактор DEUTZ-FAHR, 5120 G DT HD GS E4 – 1бр., който ще се използва за извършване на следните механизирани дейности в стопанството: оран, дисковане, сеитба, валиране, балиране на люцерна и слама, транспорт на пшеница, ечемик, бали с люцерна и слама, фолиране на балите с люцерна и почистване на пасища и мери. 2.Челен товарач STOLL, PROFILINE FZ 20 – 1бр., който с помощта на колесен трактор DEUTZ-FAHR, 5120 G DT HD GS E4 ще се използва за товарене и разтоварване на бали с люцерна, слама и други дейности. 3.Балираща машина DEUTZ-FAHR, FM 330 – 1бр., който с помощта на трактор DEUTZ-FAHR, 5120 G DT HD GS E4 ще се използва за балиране на люцерна и слама. 4.Фолираща машина МETAL – FACH, Z552 – 1бр. с помощта на трактора ще се използва за фолиране на балите с люцерна. 5.Плуг AGRO MASZ, POL 3 – 1бр. с помощта на трактора ще се използва за оран на земите, които ще се засеят с пшеница и ечемик. 201 716.00 201 716.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).