Saved trees

Programme: Science and Education for Smart Growth

Planning region: All


Purchase of machines supporting technological and ecological modernization of the individual phases of the production processes in crop production during soil cultivation, fertilizing, plant protection and harvesting through the use of technological solutions that provide the possibility of traceability or control of operations and/or management of the processes and/or generation and exchange of data and supporting technological modernization and protecting the environmental components in livestock farms, namely: Mulcher - working width up to 2.25 m, for cleaning sticks and branches up to 25 cm. Potato planter - two-row, the machine is necessary for planting the potatoes, which is the juicy fodder needed for the farm. A device equipped with a sensor. Potato feeder - single-row, working width up to 1.0 m, Device equipped with a sensor. Sprayer - mounted with wings up to 10 m, tank up to 400 l. Trailer - single axle, self-unloading with hydraulics, load capacity up to 1500 kg. A device equipped with a sensor. Agricultural machinery control and data exchange navigation system - 7" display, waterproof, WiFi, USB and Bluetooth connection, Parallel guidance of the machine, Precision control, Area mapping, Collection of cultivated area data and report in Excel and PDF ; import and export of data, Synchronization with a tablet, desktop and smartphone is a system that is placed on the available tractors and with the above-mentioned possibilities the digitization of the farm is achieved. Cultivator covered for sowing pastures - working width 3.00 m,
For the needs of the farm, an autonomous photovoltaic plant for own needs with an installed capacity of 33.5 kWp and energy storage facilities with a capacity of 24.54 kWh will be installed. Energy is needed to operate the machines and equipment for milking and storing milk and feeding the animals in the barn. With the construction of the plant, complete autonomy and independence from electricity supply is achieved.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Навигация: Навигационна система за контрол на селскостопански машини и обмен на данни - дисплей 7", водоустойчива, връзка с WiFi, USB и Bluetooth, Паралелно водене на машината, Прецизно управление, Картографиране на площи, Събиране на данни за обработени площи и доклад в Excel и PDF; импорт и експорт на данни, Синхронизация с таблет, десктоп и смартфон 5 990.00 0.00
Прикачен инвентар: Мулчер - работна ширина до 2.25 м, за почистване на клечки клони до 25 см, за трактор 125 к.с., Картофосадачка - двуредова, разстояние между редовете 62-72 см, Картофовадачка - едноредова, работна ширина до 1,0 м, Пръскачка - навесна с крила до 10 м, резервоар до 400 л, Ремарке - едноосно, саморазтоварващо се с хидравлика, товароносимост до 1500 кг, Култиватор навесен за подсяване на пасища - работна ширина 3.00 м, валяк - самопочистващ с независими дискове, изсяващ апарат с електрическо задвижване, за машина 100 к.с., регулиране на нормата с метално колело 144 379.55 0.00
автономна фотоволтаична централа: автономна фотоволтаична централа за собствени нужди с инсталирана мощност 33.5 kWp и съоръжения за съхранение на енергия с капацитет 24,54 kWh 201 000.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).