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Programme: Science and Education for Smart Growth

Planning region: All


"Digital Generation" Ltd. was established 2012 and it is a system integrator with leading positions on the Bulgarian market. The company has extensive experience in the design, development and deployment of digital signage solutions that meet most of  customers needs. In each project, the company combines the specific needs of visual communication of each company and their experience in building similar solutions. The team of Digital Generation Ltd. is a reliable partner - from consultation with the client to define the project scope, in the selection of technologies to the design and integration of appropriate equipment and software. During the full realization of a project, the company provides high-tech specialized services, operations management and control every aspect of the job. The company provides customers with quality support with guaranteed response time of each phase of the project and after its implementation.
The project proposal is aimed at further service development of Digital Signage, which is a system of electronic displays located and installed in public spaces. The main objective of the Digital Signage is to entertain, inform or advertise. Digital Signage is the most innovative and progressive course in marketing, sales, business communication and promotion on Internet till now. Today Digital Signage literally revolutionized the way companies communicate with their customers and advertising. No other method of communication and advertising can propose the creation of targeted and precisely positioned content and messages for specific audiences and specific desired effects.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Дейност за подобряване на производствените процеси: С цел подобряване на производствените си процеси и безпроблемното пускане в експлоатация на услугата Digital Signage, "Диджитал Дженерейшън" ООД ще има нужда от закупуването и доставянето на следните материални и нематериални активи: - Телевизори - 120 бр.; - Цифров енкодер и модулатор - 10 бр.; - Компютри - 10 бр. - Софтуер - мениджър на съдържание - 1 бр. 144 086.28 19 492.14
Дейност за добавяне на нови характеристики или подобряване на съществуващите продукти: С цел подобряване на съществуващата услуга Digital Signage и безпроблемното й пускане в експлоатация, "Диджитал Дженерейшън" ООД ще се нуждае от закупуване и доставяне на следните материални и нематериални активи: - Телевизори - 120 бр.; - Цифров енкодер и модулатор - 10 бр.; - Компютри - 10 бр. - Софтуер - мениджър на съдържание - 1 бр. 0.00 64 281.20
Дейност за внедряване на нови технологии за подобряване на ресурсната ефективност и ефикасност в производствения процес: В рамките на тази дейност ще бъдат закупени, доставени и пуснати в експлоатация следните активи: - Телевизори - 120 бр.; - Цифров енкодер и модулатор - 10 бр.; - Компютри - 10 бр. - Софтуер - мениджър на съдържание - 1 бр. 0.00 55 413.34


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).