Contractor legal entity | Contracted Amount* | Reported Amount** |
177361466 "Ecopartners 2019" | 10 380 000.00 | 10 380 000.00 |
131389668 IKO KONSULT PROEKT | 24 000.00 | 24 000.00 |
177472872 ExTera | 3 856 560.00 | 3 856 560.00 |
131572936 P.united Ltd | 370 800.00 | 365 040.00 |
Member of the Consortium legal entity | Contracted Amount* |
121128591 "Eurotest - control" | 0.00 |
121222788 ProstreamGroup Ltd | 0.00 |
131521671 "Bul Pro Consulting" Ltd, | 0.00 |
177361466 "Ecopartners 2019" | 0.00 |
205532009 IndustryST Ltd | 0.00 |
27407551 ALS Czech Republic, s.r.o. | 0.00 |