Saved trees

Programme: Environment

Planning region: All

Total count of contracts 391
Total amount of grant 3 210 150 578.93 BGN
Total amount 3 498 805 885.87 BGN
Total count of beneficiaries 229

Financial Implementation by the Priority Axes

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Priority Axis Budget Contracted Amounts Actual amounts paid
Total EU Funding NF Funding Total EU Funding NF Funding Self-financing by the Beneficiary % of Implementation Total EU Funding NF Funding % of Implementation
1 547 116 473.18 1 315 049 001.81 232 067 471.37 1 759 165 800.53 1 274 955 520.99 225 917 466.09 258 292 813.45 97.01 1 469 159 832.09 1 270 582 154.07 198 577 678.02 94.96
Procedure Code Procedure Name Contracted Amounts Actual amounts paid
Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding Self-financing by the Beneficiary Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding
406 430 760.28 345 466 144.67 60 964 615.61 442 625 284.26 352 625 703.96 62 228 066.34 27 771 513.96 102.07 409 982 989.56 411 369 403.82 -1 386 414.26 100.87
Procedure Code Procedure Name Contracted Amounts Actual amounts paid
Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding Self-financing by the Beneficiary Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding
NATURA2000 and biodiversity
168 163 450.59 142 938 931.14 25 224 519.45 162 974 323.32 138 528 166.02 24 446 157.30 0.00 96.91 159 526 477.41 139 812 241.96 19 714 235.45 94.86
Procedure Code Procedure Name Contracted Amounts Actual amounts paid
Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding Self-financing by the Beneficiary Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding
Flood and landslides risk prevention and management
162 569 837.42 138 184 361.22 24 385 476.20 158 186 183.77 134 457 820.42 23 728 363.35 0.00 97.30 158 177 626.24 144 949 510.07 13 228 116.17 97.30
Procedure Code Procedure Name Contracted Amounts Actual amounts paid
Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding Self-financing by the Beneficiary Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding
Improvement of the ambient air quality
587 486 066.27 499 363 155.16 88 122 911.11 584 640 317.76 494 741 936.63 87 307 401.60 2 590 979.53 99.07 582 263 916.83 496 951 134.63 85 312 782.20 99.11
Procedure Code Procedure Name Contracted Amounts Actual amounts paid
Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding Self-financing by the Beneficiary Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding
Technical assistance
77 556 776.20 65 923 258.79 11 633 517.41 77 509 000.91 65 882 650.29 11 626 350.62 0.00 99.94 77 509 000.91 76 675 700.01 833 300.90 99.94
Procedure Code Procedure Name Contracted Amounts Actual amounts paid
Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding Self-financing by the Beneficiary Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding
Support for Ukrainian refugees in Bulgaria
30 588 236.53 26 000 000.17 4 588 236.36 30 320 200.00 25 772 170.00 4 548 030.00 0.00 99.12 30 320 200.00 25 772 170.00 4 548 030.00 99.12
Procedure Code Procedure Name Contracted Amounts Actual amounts paid
Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding Self-financing by the Beneficiary Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding
Supporting SMEs through SAFE instrument"
283 399 767.00 283 399 767.00 0.00 283 384 775.32 283 384 775.32 0.00 0.00 99.99 283 384 775.32 283 384 775.32 0.00 99.99
Procedure Code Procedure Name Contracted Amounts Actual amounts paid
Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding Self-financing by the Beneficiary Total % of Implementation EU Funding NF Funding


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN


The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).