Saved trees

Programme: Environment

Planning region: All


"DMTech" Ltd. is a small enterprise, registered and operating in the Pleven - Northwest region. It develops its activity in the development and production of high-tech electronics in the field of fire safety. The company's activity is code C26 "Production of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products".
 DMTEh Ltd. manufactures innovative products in the field of fire safety which fall within the priority axes of the ISIS thematic areas, namely:
- Production of base elements, parts, assemblies and equipment incorporated as part of a mechatronic aggregate or self-contained unit.
The products that will be produced with the assets acquired during the implementation of the project are directly related to the protection of the environment and human life.

The expected results are:
- Increasing the competitiveness of DMTech Ltd.;
- Successful realization of the produced products on national and foreign markets;
- Increasing the volume of output;
-Optimization of the production process and higher productivity;
-Saving production costs;
- Improving the products offered (goods and / or services);
-Development of the capacity of DMTech Ltd., continuing to produce its innovative products in the field of fire safety and introducing into production new products, complementing the range of equipment in this field;

The main activity envisaged during the implementation of the project is:
1) Activity for improving the production capacity of DMTech Ltd.;
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Дейност за подобряване на производствения капацитет на ДМТех ЕООД: В рамките на дейността ще бъдат придобити ДМА за подобряване на производствения капацитет на ДМТех ЕООД. 3 броя. ДМА: 1. Щприц машина - 160 тона (1 брой) 2. Щприц машина - 320 тона (1 брой) 3. Линия за SMD монтаж; (1 брой) За изпълнение на дейността ще бъдат извършени следните действия: 1. Сформиране на екип по проекта. 2. Изготвяне и провеждане на процедури за изпълнители; 3. Избор на изпълнители; 4. Доставка и пускане в експлоатация на закупените ДМА. 5. Визуализация и популяризиране на дейностите по проекта. 509 000.00 508 994.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).