Saved trees

Programme: Environment

Planning region: All


The investments under this project concern the development of services in the economic sector and fall entirely within NACE G45.20- "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles". Investments will be made in a new building, necessary for the placement of equipment for servicing the service process. Through the investments and the launching of the new activity, the following objectives of the sub-measure will be promoted: promoting employment, opening new and preserving existing jobs and promoting the development of non-agricultural activities in rural areas. Through its new business, the enterprise of the applicant will diversify its revenues and achieve good economic results. The region of Surnitsa is remote from large regional cities and is difficult to reach, especially during the winter season. The population of the municipality and the neighboring municipalities have to use local service providers as a priority. There are no serious competitors on the territory of the municipality and neighboring Dospat, Satovcha, Borino. And there is no such high quality services. On the other hand, just because of the remoteness of the settlements, each household owns and uses at least one car. the applicant envisages to complete the investment at one stage in order to quickly enter the market and gain time advantage over competitors.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Изграждане на автомивка 68 кв.м: извършване на СМР част: архитектура, конструкции, ВиК, електро 43 560.61 0.00
Вертикална планировка с площадкови мрежи 45. кв.м.: извършване на СМР част ВП 5 160.42 0.00
Закупуване на оборудване: Закупуване на : 1.Професионална безконтактна система за измиване на автомобили AQUATECH, марка AQUATECH 3D модел 2. Бутален компресор, марка Atlas Copco модел AB55E270 3. Професионална система за осмотично пречистване на вода - 2000 l/h, марка AQUATECH модел XX-CW-4T 4. ПРОФЕСИОНАЛНА ОМЕКОТИТЕЛНА СИСТЕМА ЗА ВОДА, марка AQUATECH модел 4L 5. Професионален модул за вътрешно почистване, марка AQUARAMA модел WB 1511 6. Система на пране на мокетни стелки, марка AQUARAMA модел WBK 1534 7. Модул за тупане на стелки с контейнер за отпадъци; галванизирана ламарина, марка AQUARAMA модел WBK 1540 159 205.00 0.00
Консултантски услуги: Получаване на консултантска услуга, свързана с подготовка и управление на проекта - подготовка на заявление за подпомагане, изработка на бизнесплан и подготовка на заявки за плащане, включително отчитане и управление на проекта. 10 300.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).