Saved trees

Programme: Environment

Planning region: All


The current project is for the modernization of a cow farm for dairy cows located in the land of the village of Pchelishte commune. V. Tarnovo with number of the livestock facility 5048-0020. For the needs of the farm, a tractor with a power of no more than 330 hp must be purchased. prepared and equipped with a navigation system and navigation that provides the possibility of traceability and control of operations, process management and generation and exchange of data, in the individual phases of the production processes in crop production during soil treatment, fertilizing, plant protection and harvesting necessary for animal feed. The tractor will be aggregated with available tillage attachments such as disc harrow, cultivator, seed drill, mower, baler, and will be used to make silage, which is a staple for dairy farming during the winter months. Equipped with a front canopy, a rake will be installed to level and compact the silage. Making silage requires firm compaction to expel as much air as possible and preserve the silage properly. With its weight, the machine is ideal for this activity. In addition to the listed activities, the tractor will also tow a Trailer - self-unloading, two-axle without steering bridge, payload - maximum 11000 kg, useful volume - maximum 20 m3, air brakes, drawbar, support leg, rear door to be opened hydraulically, because for the trailer itself both air brake equipment and hydraulic control are required to open the tailgate. The trailer itself will transport the bales of straw and alfalfa, wheat and corn for silage, all this is a product of our own production, as well as the products that must be purchased and are needed to add to the recipe of feeding the animals for good milk production. The increasing transport needs of modern agriculture need efficient solutions. Maximum use of gross weight on public roads can be achieved with tipper trailers.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Трактор: Трактор - колесен, мощност максумум 330 к.с., система за управление на оборотите на двигателя, задвижване и на двата моста, преден навес, заден навес с капацитет минимум 10000 кг, 5 двойки хидравлични изводи, активно окачване на предния мост, хидравлична спирачка за ремарке, компресор - пневматична спирачка за ремарке климатик, теглич, подготовка и оборудване за навигационна система, навигация, 508 515.80 0.00
Ремарке: Ремарке - саморазтоварващо, двуосно без управляващ мост, полезен товар - максимум 11000 кг, полезен обем - максимум 20 м3, въздушни спирачки, теглич, опорен крак, задна врата да се отваря хидравлично, ширина - максимум 2600 мм 107 570.65 0.00


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).