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Projects LAG

Projects LAG

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LAG Programme Programme budget Submitted projects grants / budget % Projects submitted to the LAG (number) Projects submitted to the LAG (amount of subsidy/BGN) Projects approved for funding by LAGs (number) * Approved projects / budget % Projects approved for funding by the LAG (subsidy amount / BGN) Submitted projects in SFA - PA (number) for approval Approve projects from SFA - PA (number) Removed projects by beneficiaries (number) Rejected projects from SFA - PA (number) Approve projects from SFA - PA (amount of subsidy / BGN) Concluded contracts (number) Concluded contracts / approve projects % Concluded contracts (amount of subsidy / BGN) Concluded contracts / programme budget Executed contracts (number) Executed contracts (amount of subsidy / BGN) Actually paid amounts
FLAG Bulgarian Black sea agreement Byala-Dolni Chiflik-Avren Maritime and Fisheries Programme 3 911 660.00 89.43 27 3 498 057.53 23 79.79 3 120 918.38 0 23 0 4 3 120 918.38 21 91.36 2 851 146.01 72.89 19 2 751 849.14 2 765 118.36
FLAG Burgas-Kameno Maritime and Fisheries Programme 3 911 660.00 187.62 39 7 338 890.38 17 78.08 3 054 047.40 0 17 0 20 3 054 047.40 17 82.31 2 513 822.47 64.26 13 2 320 884.39 2 365 744.39
FLAG High Western Rhodopes: Batak-Devin-Dospat Maritime and Fisheries Programme 3 911 660.00 102.22 35 3 998 460.97 21 63.37 2 478 791.83 0 21 0 14 2 478 791.83 29 111.38 2 760 941.38 70.58 26 2 663 398.18 2 663 398.18
FLAG Nessebar-Mesemvria Maritime and Fisheries Programme 3 911 660.00 140.33 41 5 489 233.29 25 75.61 2 957 748.87 0 25 0 12 2 957 748.87 29 106.27 3 143 069.09 80.35 22 2 438 064.13 2 416 699.01
FLAG Pazardjik Maritime and Fisheries Programme 3 911 660.00 79.88 35 3 124 577.72 30 71.83 2 809 644.14 0 30 0 4 2 809 644.14 30 80.84 2 271 213.00 58.06 23 2 071 214.21 2 238 357.13
FLAG Pomorie Maritime and Fisheries Programme 3 911 660.00 134.22 25 5 250 321.03 14 77.12 3 016 748.20 0 14 0 8 3 016 748.20 15 127.93 3 859 205.12 98.66 13 3 526 577.81 3 256 954.18
FLAG Shabla-Kavarna-Balchik Maritime and Fisheries Programme 3 911 660.00 92.20 22 3 606 664.42 14 50.35 1 969 326.61 0 14 0 7 1 969 326.61 20 137.28 2 703 412.73 69.11 14 2 201 666.82 2 163 368.74
FLAG Varna, Asparuhovo area-Beloslav-Aksakovo Maritime and Fisheries Programme 3 911 660.00 143.58 38 5 616 431.60 25 114.97 4 497 271.82 0 25 0 13 4 497 271.82 29 92.50 4 159 758.93 106.34 25 3 721 001.63 4 103 650.62
LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa Rural Development Programme 2 925 000.00 170.63 49 4 990 815.77 31 117.06 3 424 058.62 39 2 4 6 166 740.00 29 94.48 3 235 218.22 110.61 0 0.00 363 227.71
LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa Human Resources Development 900 000.00 157.62 9 1 418 542.63 9 160.21 1 441 932.82 2 7 3 0 1 091 094.32 7 70.56 1 017 443.55 113.05 4 620 946.29 620 946.29
LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa Innovations and Competitiveness 1 950 000.00 109.31 7 2 131 521.67 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 1 0.00 5 0.00 1 486 775.65 76.24 5 1 486 775.65 1 616 347.49
LAG Ardino-Dzhebel Rural Development Programme 2 925 000.00 161.66 44 4 728 657.89 36 139.13 4 069 642.37 29 11 0 4 1 150 827.56 35 88.14 3 587 153.31 122.64 0 0.00 2 648 172.88
LAG Ardino-Dzhebel Human Resources Development 900 000.00 114.59 13 1 031 303.87 11 105.93 953 325.77 0 11 0 2 953 325.77 8 74.50 710 222.81 78.91 8 710 222.81 707 858.05
LAG Ardino-Dzhebel Innovations and Competitiveness 1 950 000.00 251.56 19 4 905 506.72 2 32.79 639 387.26 0 2 0 10 639 387.26 6 256.62 1 640 791.19 84.14 6 1 640 791.19 1 640 791.19
LAG Avren-Beloslav Rural Development Programme 3 732 550.47 177.54 33 6 626 860.68 17 102.32 3 819 312.57 11 12 3 10 2 518 291.82 20 96.11 3 670 656.10 98.34 0 0.00 1 835 216.38
LAG Avren-Beloslav Human Resources Development 1 486 430.80 76.82 3 1 141 914.39 3 76.69 1 139 934.39 0 3 1 0 1 139 934.39 3 93.10 1 061 238.06 71.40 3 1 061 238.06 1 061 238.06
LAG Avren-Beloslav Innovations and Competitiveness 1 955 830.00 105.11 9 2 055 684.55 3 39.28 768 197.49 0 3 0 2 768 197.49 7 181.42 1 393 630.30 71.26 6 1 340 260.30 1 340 049.32
LAG Aytos Rural Development Programme 3 732 745.00 133.44 36 4 980 951.79 29 111.19 4 150 457.79 34 2 2 0 724 940.04 24 75.97 3 153 092.35 84.47 0 0.00 2 072 839.01
LAG Balchik-General Toshevo Rural Development Programme 3 672 929.20 151.07 63 5 548 689.15 44 123.62 4 540 446.62 45 13 7 2 1 433 042.55 41 74.78 3 395 126.03 92.44 0 0.00 2 031 303.18
LAG Balchik-General Toshevo Human Resources Development 1 486 408.00 97.52 7 1 449 514.29 6 99.97 1 485 962.83 0 6 0 1 1 485 962.83 6 90.50 1 344 793.51 90.47 6 1 344 793.51 1 326 640.85
LAG Balchik-General Toshevo Innovations and Competitiveness 1 955 800.00 167.22 15 3 270 519.46 2 18.13 354 514.50 3 0 0 0 0.00 10 514.51 1 824 018.79 93.26 9 1 824 018.79 1 815 406.33
LAG Belene-Nikopol Rural Development Programme 3 732 745.00 113.67 49 4 242 925.61 36 94.60 3 531 269.88 26 13 7 4 1 531 385.73 39 93.64 3 306 516.63 88.58 0 0.00 2 239 555.35
LAG Belene-Nikopol Environment 1 979 987.00 214.67 6 4 250 498.60 5 189.21 3 746 236.60 0 5 0 1 3 746 236.60 3 50.07 1 875 885.86 94.74 3 1 875 885.86 1 875 885.86
LAG Belene-Nikopol Innovations and Competitiveness 1 955 830.00 103.27 7 2 019 750.61 5 69.57 1 360 763.01 0 5 1 0 1 360 763.01 6 125.23 1 704 045.30 87.13 6 1 704 045.30 1 702 439.13
LAG Belovo-Septemvri-Velingrad Rural Development Programme 3 732 745.00 183.64 99 6 854 626.63 65 98.56 3 679 127.55 83 8 9 2 1 384 145.84 59 90.37 3 324 746.47 89.07 0 0.00 1 737 480.41
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* Without project proposals included in the reserve list
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).