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Projects LAG

Projects LAG

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LAG Programme Programme budget Submitted projects grants / budget % Projects submitted to the LAG (number) Projects submitted to the LAG (amount of subsidy/BGN) Projects approved for funding by LAGs (number) * Approved projects / budget % Projects approved for funding by the LAG (subsidy amount / BGN) Submitted projects in SFA - PA (number) for approval Approve projects from SFA - PA (number) Removed projects by beneficiaries (number) Rejected projects from SFA - PA (number) Approve projects from SFA - PA (amount of subsidy / BGN) Concluded contracts (number) Concluded contracts / approve projects % Concluded contracts (amount of subsidy / BGN) Concluded contracts / programme budget Executed contracts (number) Executed contracts (amount of subsidy / BGN) Actually paid amounts
LAG Slivnitsa-Dragoman Rural Development Programme 2 752 000.00 167.44 32 4 607 856.69 21 100.96 2 778 527.77 16 9 2 5 1 593 813.42 20 73.90 2 053 339.30 74.61 0 0.00 1 486 048.39
LAG Sredets Rural Development Programme 2 754 800.00 123.29 45 3 396 374.52 39 106.75 2 940 805.26 37 7 9 1 471 455.62 40 88.25 2 595 403.63 94.21 0 0.00 1 620 074.91
LAG Sredets Human Resources Development 782 000.00 88.62 3 692 987.86 3 99.99 781 954.86 0 3 0 0 781 954.86 3 100.00 781 954.86 99.99 3 781 954.86 759 486.13
LAG Stambolovo-Kardjali Rural Development Programme 3 615 310.00 189.15 66 6 838 256.74 40 117.00 4 230 069.14 59 2 13 0 475 807.06 29 65.22 2 758 856.91 76.31 0 0.00 1 013 262.60
LAG Stambolovo-Kardjali Environment 187 075.00 99.77 1 186 644.28 1 99.77 186 644.28 0 1 0 0 186 644.28 1 67.01 125 072.10 66.86 1 125 072.10 125 072.10
LAG Stambolovo-Kardjali Science and Education for Smart Growth 587 000.00 99.84 2 586 077.36 2 99.54 584 311.31 2 0 0 0 0.00 1 43.78 255 810.79 43.58 1 255 810.79 255 810.79
LAG Straldzha Rural Development Programme 2 699 000.00 147.50 36 3 981 054.02 22 103.80 2 801 508.59 23 5 8 5 614 614.98 18 61.99 1 736 653.63 64.34 0 0.00 751 241.67
LAG Straldzha Human Resources Development 1 000 000.00 88.53 4 885 327.77 4 95.90 958 980.03 0 4 0 0 958 980.03 4 98.14 941 141.41 94.11 4 941 141.41 872 779.51
LAG Struma-Simitli, Kresna and Strumyani Rural Development Programme 2 933 700.00 131.83 31 3 867 370.06 29 123.67 3 628 066.43 30 0 6 0 0.00 14 72.86 2 643 287.63 90.10 0 0.00 923 258.59
LAG Struma-Simitli, Kresna and Strumyani Human Resources Development 1 486 408.00 83.10 14 1 235 215.89 10 72.24 1 073 735.34 0 10 0 4 1 073 735.34 10 92.31 991 215.89 66.69 10 991 215.89 991 215.89
LAG Struma-Simitli, Kresna and Strumyani Innovations and Competitiveness 1 955 830.00 109.65 13 2 144 489.44 1 8.38 163 920.43 1 0 0 0 0.00 8 699.52 1 146 651.38 58.63 7 1 146 651.38 1 146 651.38
LAG Struma-Simitli, Kresna and Strumyani Science and Education for Smart Growth 977 915.00 79.87 4 781 093.39 4 77.90 761 757.71 4 0 0 0 0.00 4 86.35 657 744.69 67.26 4 657 744.69 657 744.69
LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad Rural Development Programme 2 933 700.00 163.03 65 4 782 768.20 57 146.57 4 299 981.30 60 5 10 0 97 789.84 56 89.99 3 869 465.91 131.90 0 0.00 1 958 867.07
LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad Environment 4 785 157.54 191.12 2 9 145 331.50 1 95.56 4 572 665.75 0 1 0 1 4 572 665.75 1 97.81 4 472 502.85 93.47 1 4 472 502.85 4 472 502.85
LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad Human Resources Development 1 486 408.00 92.23 13 1 370 981.57 10 76.14 1 131 772.91 0 10 0 3 1 131 772.91 9 91.27 1 032 977.91 69.49 9 1 032 977.91 1 019 540.02
LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad Innovations and Competitiveness 1 955 800.00 55.01 4 1 075 933.11 4 55.01 1 075 933.11 4 0 0 0 0.00 4 99.32 1 068 575.10 54.64 4 1 068 575.10 1 065 085.36
LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad Science and Education for Smart Growth 704 098.80 97.03 3 683 153.78 3 94.56 665 812.04 3 0 0 0 0.00 3 97.24 647 467.83 91.96 3 647 467.83 647 467.83
LAG Tervel-Krushari Rural Development Programme 3 732 000.00 129.29 72 4 825 230.79 65 119.08 4 443 975.01 59 11 4 2 1 323 850.01 64 84.00 3 733 112.37 100.03 0 0.00 2 492 486.80
LAG Troyan-Apriltsi-Ugarchin Rural Development Programme 2 933 745.00 250.06 67 7 336 103.17 48 188.12 5 518 993.27 64 1 7 1 99 790.00 34 57.70 3 184 263.30 108.54 0 0.00 2 275 365.97
LAG Troyan-Apriltsi-Ugarchin Human Resources Development 1 486 430.00 99.01 15 1 471 726.52 13 95.05 1 412 823.68 0 13 0 2 1 412 823.68 13 98.41 1 390 359.09 93.54 12 1 312 151.30 1 272 769.43
LAG Troyan-Apriltsi-Ugarchin Innovations and Competitiveness 1 955 830.00 174.38 19 3 410 590.94 14 137.35 2 686 282.81 3 13 0 3 2 627 837.94 11 72.81 1 955 830.00 100.00 11 1 955 830.00 1 914 215.48
LAG Tundzha Rural Development Programme 3 599 000.00 129.39 54 4 656 653.02 45 108.16 3 892 749.12 52 2 1 0 413 043.36 43 79.22 3 083 680.16 85.68 0 0.00 2 489 869.89
LAG Tundzha Environment 1 050 603.42 99.00 1 1 040 147.60 1 99.00 1 040 147.60 0 1 0 0 1 040 147.60 1 97.82 1 017 465.02 96.85 1 1 017 465.02 1 017 465.02
LAG Tundzha Human Resources Development 1 365 659.63 106.81 7 1 458 623.13 7 100.00 1 365 659.63 0 7 0 0 1 365 659.63 7 92.82 1 267 643.34 92.82 7 1 267 643.34 1 267 643.34
LAG Tundzha Innovations and Competitiveness 1 150 000.00 115.91 5 1 333 008.44 5 115.80 1 331 658.44 5 0 0 0 0.00 4 78.25 1 041 999.54 90.61 4 1 041 999.54 1 041 999.54
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* Without project proposals included in the reserve list
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).