Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


Company "Dikchan-85" LTD. was established about 10 years ago, but for the past few years, the company has not carried on business. It is envisaged that through this project to be put into service and car repair workshop to launch the activity of primary processing of wood. This will be achieved through the construction of a new production base. The applicant intends to purchase and gazokar for the needs of the production process. To function as intended and investment to complete the production cycle of the company "Dikchan-85" LTD. intends to lease the equipment, including the fasonirane line of wood.
The main products to be marketed are beams, planks and panels.
The company intends to operate all year round and is classified as a micro enterprise according to the requirements of the law on small and medium-sized enterprises and investment in "8.6 submeasure technologies for forestry and in processing, mobilisation and the marketing of forest products by ' measure 8 "investment in the development of forest areas and improve the viability of forests" of the rural development programme 2014-2020.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Изграждане, придобиване или подобрение на сгради и други недвижими активи необходими за първичната преработка на дървесина, както и закупуването на земя, когато е пряко свързана с изпълнението на проекта: Предвижда се посредством настоящия проект да се изгради и въведе в експлоатация цех за дървопреработване и да се стартира дейност по първична преработка на дървен материал. Това ще се осъществи посредством изграждане на нова производствена база. Основните продукти, които ще се предлагат на пазара са греди, талпи и ламперия. 371 589.71 0.00
Подпомагане закупуването или вземането на лизинг на нови машини и оборудване за първична преработка на дървесина : Кандидатът възнамерява да закупи и газокар за нуждите на производствения процес. 22 720.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).