Saved trees

Programme: Innovations and Competitiveness

Planning region: All


Total count of contracts 23622
Total amount of grant 191 175 259.76 BGN
Total amount 191 182 483.97 BGN
Total count of beneficiaries 23621

Data Export Excel HTML XML Print
Beneficiary Address Location Project proposal number Project Name Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
201135095 DULGER GROUP LTD. Bulgaria, Aytos, 8500, КИРИЛ И МЕТОДИЙ 18
  • Aytos
BG16RFOP002-2.073-23613 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
131560261 EVA KVARTET LTD Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, жк Бъкстон район Красно село бл 4 вх 4ф ет 3 ап 46
  • Bulgaria
BG16RFOP002-2.073-12761 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 3 000.00 3 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
200311051 Euro Cleaning Company Ltd. Bulgaria, Bankya, 1320, ул. "Никола Вапцаров" № 79
  • Sofia
BG16RFOP002-2.073-7888 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
123711361 Evro start 2005 LTD Bulgaria, Radnevo, 6260, ул."Крайречна" № 2А
  • Radnevo
BG16RFOP002-2.073-16030 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
200451681 EUROSTAYL - 66 Bulgaria, Vlahovo, 4724, Влахово
  • Vlahovo
BG16RFOP002-2.073-23808 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 6 400.00 6 400.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
203797012 "Ejkovi"Ltd Bulgaria, Gotse Delchev, 2900, ул."ДРАМА" No 51, вх. А, ет. 5, ап. 13
  • Gotse Delchev
BG16RFOP002-2.073-4693 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
201360010 EKO BIO MB OOD Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 4000, ул.ПЕТКО Д. ПЕТКОВ № 4, ет. 2
  • Plovdiv
BG16RFOP002-2.073-26024 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 4 800.00 4 800.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
205088294 " ECO INVEST NORTH"" LtD Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, "СИМЕОНОВСКО ШОСЕ" 120 Д
  • Sofia
BG16RFOP002-2.073-2190 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
104664537 "EKO FENIX" LTD Bulgaria, Svishtov, 5250, ул. "Стоян Ников" № 14
  • Svishtov
BG16RFOP002-2.073-24115 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
201097698 EXPO - ALIKAN Bulgaria, Sarnitsa, 4633, гр. Сърница ул. "Тодор Каблешков" No 1
  • Sarnitsa
BG16RFOP002-2.073-8265 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 4 280.00 4 280.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
201611263 "Express-mod" LTD Bulgaria, Petrich, 2850, ж.к. Цар Самуил бл.25, ет. 2, ап. 5
  • Bulgaria
BG16RFOP002-2.073-23638 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
203923518 "L and K Bulgaria" Ltd Bulgaria, Sofia, 1750, ж.к. Младост 1 бл.10,вх.В,ет.2,ап.33
  • Sofia
BG16RFOP002-2.073-15812 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
130697022 "El Insta" Bulgaria, Sofia, 1680, ул. Смърч, номер 10
  • Sofia
BG16RFOP002-2.073-16020 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
117692522 ELEGANS ltd. Bulgaria, Ruse, 7000, кв. "ВЪЗРАЖДАНЕ", бл. "ВЕЛА БЛАГОЕВА", вx. 3, ет. 7
  • Ruse
BG16RFOP002-2.073-8263 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
204760561 ELESHNICA 2017 Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, 2700, Ул. Струмско център № 25, вх. А, ет. 4, ап. 11
  • Rila
BG16RFOP002-2.073-13593 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 6 400.00 6 400.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
101670392 "Elkomplekt-2004" Ltd Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, 2700, пл. "Георги Измирлиев" №15, ет.1, офис 8
  • Blagoevgrad
BG16RFOP002-2.073-20031 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
120599551 ELKOREKT-KOKAROV EOOD Bulgaria, Smolyan, 4700, "Червена скала", номер 45
  • Smolyan
BG16RFOP002-2.073-7786 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
204678872 ELFIE-89 EOOD Bulgaria, Razgrad, 7200, Ул. "Абритус" №13 вх. Д, ап.13
  • Razgrad
BG16RFOP002-2.073-24261 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 3 525.00 3 525.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
201978398 MVJ Sport OOD Bulgaria, Sofia, 1700, ул. "ЧАВДАР МУТАФОВ", номер 10, вx. А, ет. 4, ап. 8
  • Sofia
BG16RFOP002-2.073-9333 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
204615021 MS HOLIDAYS LTD Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 4001, ул. "Орфей" No 15, бл. 55, ет. 5, ап. 19
  • Plovdiv
BG16RFOP002-2.073-27024 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
131113463 "ENERDJI DELTA"LTD Bulgaria, Samokov, 2000, ул.Софийско шосе 15
  • Bulgaria
BG16RFOP002-2.073-12046 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
131306220 EPSILON FINANCE Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, ж.к. Борово, ул. Родопски извор № 43А, ет. 6, ап. 19
  • Sofia
BG16RFOP002-2.073-2577 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
204952437 "ERKAN 2018" Ltd. Bulgaria, Zvanarka, 6920, мах.Козино 93
  • Krumovgrad
BG16RFOP002-2.073-11470 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 3 762.80 3 762.80 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
123761179 Erglon Ltd. Bulgaria, Kazanlak, 6100, Ул. Розова долина“ 7 г, офис 6
  • Kazanlak
BG16RFOP002-2.073-7608 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 10 000.00 10 000.00 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)
204779437 ERSA ENGINEERING Ltd. Bulgaria, Golyama Chinka, 6940, мах.Житница 19
  • Krumovgrad
BG16RFOP002-2.073-11830 Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 5 772.70 5 772.70 0.00 3 Closed (completion date)


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
Project cost information in the regions based on the latest update of the Grant contract
The information about the actually paid project amounts is not related to the respective region, but is for the whole project. It is visible when accessing each individual project, and for all projects in the sample - when exporting the data.
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).