Saved trees

Programme: Recovery and Resilience Plan

Planning region: All


The subject of the investment proposal is the construction of a cage installation for growing fish in the water area of ​​the  Kalavashitsa dam, locality of Kalavashitsa , in the land of the town of Strelcha, municipality Strelcha, region Pazardzhik, namely - construction of a new facility for aquaculture - a fish farm for intensive breeding of fish in floating net cages - cages in the aquaculture of the dam. The cages installation will be built from one floating pontoon bridge, with 6 floating mesh cages installed
to it with an internal diameter of 12 m and a conditional depth of 6 m. The installation will be in a section with a total area of ​​4 acres 
technological easement of the installation - area for moving the pontoons if necessary), and the pontoon itself with the crates will occupy about 2 acres of working area. Together with the construction of the nursery farm, in order to ensure its autonomy and functioning, it is also foreseen:
- purchase of two containers, mounted on our own mobile two-axle platforms, in which the feed and, if necessary, the finished product will be stored in one, and in the other - disinfectants necessary for the work of the farm and staff and bio-waste .
- the installation of a 12-kW photovoltaic system mounted on its own mobile biaxial platform
- two three-phase diesel units required for emergency mode of operation (failure in the photovoltaic system or lack of solar heating)
- two aerators and one oximeter
- six automatic fish feeders
- one fishing boat with engine and oars
- a lighting system of 20 fixtures and 
- a video surveillance system.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Садкова инсталация, включваща: грип 4/300 м. - 1 бр., риболюпилня, понтонни пътеки – 100 кв.м, понтонни котви и въжета - 10 бр., кепчета – 5 бр., садки – 6 бр. и складови садки – 4 бр. : Доставка и монтиране на садкова инсталация 169 350.00 169 350.00
Два броя контейнери 600/2400 за съхранение и персонал: Доставка на два броя контейнери 12 620.00 10 516.66
Автоматични, програмируеми автохранилки: Доставка на 6 бр. автоматични, програмируеми автохранилки 4 290.20 0.00
Осветителна система: Доставка на 20 бр. соларни осветителни тела 6 666.67 0.00
Два броя трифазни дизелови агрегати за аварийно захранване, при липса на слънчева светлина: Доставка на два броя трифазни дизелови агрегати за аварийно захранване, при липса на слънчева светлина 13 800.00 22 900.00
Соларна система от 12 kW: Доставка на Инвертори 2 бр, соларни панели 36 бр., контролер 2 бр, батерия 8 бр., соларен кабел 100 м., 54 999.92 54 999.92
Плавателни съдове: Доставка на лодка, с извън бордови двигател 12 391.67 12 391.67
Оборудване, свързано с намаляване отрицателното въздействие върху околната среда: Технологично оборудване, включващо: аератори и оксиметър 7 280.00 7 275.00
Система за видеонаблюдение: Доставка на система за видеонаблюдение 16 558.41 16 558.40


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).