Saved trees

Programme: Home Affairs

Planning region: All


The present project was developed by the Institute of Robotics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in full compliance with the call for participation under procedure BG-RRP-2.007 "Building a quantum communication route for participation in the EU's unified quantum communication system" through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism of the EU.
The main goal of the current project proposal is to obtain support for Bulgaria's participation in the construction of a unified EU quantum communication system within the EuroQCI initiative, which is coordinated for Bulgaria by the Competence Center "QUASAR" at IR-BAS.
For this purpose, the project envisages the construction of a route up to 5 km long, equipped with three platforms and two intermediate encryptors, as well as its integration into the terrestrial communication network of a telecommunications operator for the implementation of quantum communication in accordance with the guidelines of the European commission.
The project envisages the purchase and installation of 3 quantum communication platforms for the construction of a route up to 5 km with 2 intermediate points - encryptors and the integration of the QCI infrastructure into the terrestrial communication network of a large telecommunications operator.
The project has a total duration of 3 months and will be implemented in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The successful implementation of the project will support the digital transition needed to increase innovation, productivity and employment by creating a high level of quality and security of the European communication network.
All investments planned within the project are in full compliance with the horizontal principles of "not causing significant damage" to the environment, which in turn contributes to the ecological transition through the accelerated application of digital technologies in the activities of the Institute of Robotics at the BAS.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Изграждане на инфраструктура за квантова комуникация-Доставка и инсталиране на 3 броя платформи за квантова комуникация и 2 броя енкриптори, за изграждане на трасе до 5 км с 2 междинни точки и интегриране на QCI инфраструктурата в наземната комуникационна мрежа на телекомуникационен оператор: Настоящата дейност е насочена към доставката и инсталирането на 3 броя платформи, както и необходимия за тях софтуер и 2 броя криптиращи устройства, чрез които ще бъде изградено квантово-комуникационно трасе, в подккрепа на Националния план на България за изграждане на квантово-комуникационна мрежа в страната, в рамките на европейската инициатива EuroQCI. Изследователи от Института по Роботика, включително експерти от Център за компетентност КВАЗАР при ИР-БАН (Национален координатор по EuroQCI) ще реализират изграждане на трасе до 5 км с 2 междинни точки, чрез интегриране на QCI инфраструктурата в наземната комуникационна мрежа на телекомуникационен оператор. 0.00 3 229 200.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).