Saved trees

Programme: Home Affairs

Planning region: All


With the current investment project "Yaytseprom" AD applies under sub-measure 5.1 "Support for investments in preventive measures aimed at limiting the consequences of probable natural disasters, adverse climatic events and catastrophic events" in order to improve biosecurity measures in the economy and reduce the risk of affecting the company's holdings by contagious avian diseases. The investments under the project are aimed at purchasing disinfection equipment covering almost all risk points in the farms of Yaytseprom AD, with the aim of upgrading and reaching the highest level of biosecurity measures. biosecurity by investing in the latest generation of disinfection plants on your farm. The biosecurity measures taken so far by Yaytseprom AD give results, and it is important to note that both production sites, on which the livestock farms of the farm are located, meet all the requirements of Ordinance 44/2006, having fence, disinfection site at each entrance and exit, wet filter to each building, separate black and white area but as a result of the constant pressure and the outbreaks of bird flu next to the livestock sites of "Yaytseprom" AD it is clear that they must be upgrade through the latest possible biosecurity technologies on farms.
The investments under this project include the supply of the following installations:
Automated entrance arch for disinfection of cars - 3 pcs.
Extension ramp for disinfection of cars - 3 pcs.
Steam jet machine - 4 pcs.
Vacuum cleaner for dry and wet cleaning - 1 pc.
Barge system 40m - 1 pc.
Washing vacuum cleaner (Extractor) -1 pc.
Compact hygienic station with sole cleaning - 4 pcs.
Cleaning mats-Disinfection bath - 47 mm - 20 pcs.
Powerful ULV generator for cold aerosol -1 pc.
Incinerator - 1 pc.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Повишаване мерките за биосигурност в птеицеферми в с. Глухар и гр. Момчилград: Дейноста има за цел да обхване под контрол всички рискови точки в стопанството, като закупи инсталации за дезинфекция на всички нива във фермите от навлизането на автомобили и хора на портала на фермата до дезинфекцията на производствените сгради , транспортните средства и унищожаване на СЖП генерирано във фермите. Към момента дружеството разполага с два животновъдни обекта разположени в село Глухар и гр. Момчилград. В животновъдния обект в с. Глухар е разположен фуражния цех за собствени нужди и 4 бр. производствени сгради за стокови носачки(клетъчно отглеждане), а в гр. Момчилград 7 бр. производствени сгради( 4-ри за стокови носачки(волиерно отглеждане) и 3 бр. подрастващи сгради за кокошки на възраст до 16 седмици)). Дейноста ще надгради и оптимизира безопасността и риска от навлизане и разнасяне на патогени в двете животновъдни ферми. 300 258.98 197 110.67


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).