Saved trees

Programme: Environment Protection and Climate Change

Planning region: All


The project proposal envisages the purchase of new equipment, which will be equipped with VANGELOVI STROY Ltd. and will be realized on the territory of the town of Lom for the needs of the company.
The candidate "VANGELOVI STROI" OOD has been operating since 2015, while strictly observing all the applicable normative requirements concerning not only the quality of the construction services but also the protection of the environment and water. The candidate has been working successfully for 4 years with construction activities - one of the traditional economic sectors for Bulgaria and a source of income for the population in an area where the demographic collapse is bigger, thus contributing to the socio-economic stability of the country.
The specific investment is related to equipment that not only gives the company a new look but also extends the package of services it offers on the market. The project proposal provides for the purchase of building frame facade scaffolding, needle vibrator station, brick cutting machines, perforators, etc., as well as the opening of 2 new workplaces in Lom.
The activities carried out by the applicant will also provide additional jobs in the conditions of the European standards during the execution of the new type of orders of the construction sites. The accession of Bulgaria to the EU and the financing under this procedure give the Candidate much better opportunities to expand the construction and development of the company, to become more competitive and more competitive. The project will be implemented under the Rural Development Program and will be fully in line with the legislation in force.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на оборудване за строителни дейности.: За нуждите на Проекта ще бъде закупено следното оборудване: 1 Скеле Gaglia 1 бр. 2 Станция за иглен вибратор Dingo 1 бр. 3 Мотор за виброрейка Nurasan 1 бр. 4 Фугорез Kohler 1 бр. 5 Машина за рязане на тухли MS 700 A 1 бр. 6 Генератор дизелов монофазен DIEZEL 1 бр. 7 Бъркалка MX 100 E 2 бр. 8 Ръчна шлифовачка LHS-225 1 бр. 9 Акумулаторен винтоверт GSB 18 1 бр. 10 Акумулаторен перфоратор GBH-180-LI 1 бр. 11 Акумулаторен винтоверт GSR 12V-15 1 бр. 12 Перфоратор GBH-2-28 2 бр. 13 Перфоратор ГБН- 8-45 1 бр. 14 Къртач GSH 11 E 1 бр. 15 Ъглошлайф с регулиране на оборотите GWS 9-125 S 3 бр. 16 Ъглошлайф -22 GWS 22 2 бр. 17 Прободен трион GST 90 BE 1 бр. 18 Саблен трион GSA 1300 1 бр. 19 Ротационен нивелир GRL 500 HV 1 бр. 20 Лазерна ролетка GLM 80 3 бр. 21 Оптичен нивелир GOL 32 2 бр. 22 Компресор бутален MK 103-200-3M 1 бр. 23 Трамбовка ATR 68 CLASSIK 1 бр. 24 Виброплоча APF 20/50 1 бр. 25 Заваръчна машина K 12035 1 бр. 26 Фотосоларен шлем LINC SCREEN 1 бр. 27 Винтоверт GSR 6-60 TE 1 бр. 28 Водоструйка HD 9/20 1 бр. 29 Мултифункционален инструмент GOP 30-28 1 бр. 30 Лаптоп ASUS 2 бр. 31 Програмен продукт DSP DVD 2 бр. 32 Програмен продукт CAD LT 2019 2 бр. 33 Програмен продукт Auto CAD LT2019 2 бр. 111 382.12 103 358.09


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).