Saved trees

Programme: Environment Protection and Climate Change

Planning region: All


In recent years, the most dynamically developing industry in the municipality of Devin is tourism. With its unique cultural, historical and natural heritage, the municipality of Devin has the resources and potential for the development of various forms of modern tourism. At the same time, the poor state of infrastructure, the lack of sufficient parks and gardens and recreation areas in the area hinder the development of the industry.
This project proposal is of great social importance for improving the quality of life of residents and guests of Devin. Its reconstruction and renovation, and at the same time the enrichment of its content, will help to establish the tourist attractiveness of the city and the municipality as a whole and will improve the conditions for recreation of citizens. The property was partially landscaped many years ago - there are pedestrian alleys and grassing, in poor condition, a fountain supplied with mineral water - one of the symbols of the city, not enough places to rest, a playground where facilities and pavements are dangerous and not meet the requirements set in the current regulations. The main activities of  project are the following:
• Partial repair of compromised sections of the fountain, supplied with mineral water, advertising and establishing the town of Devin and the municipality as a resort and spa center;
• The designed playground, compliant with the regulatory requirements for such sites, provides a place for recreation and entertainment for children - to replace existing facilities for mixed use, so that they serve only for groups 0-3 years, and for this purpose is replaced and impact-resistant rubber flooring;
• Providing a playground in the western part of the property for the age group 3-12;
• New construction of wooden pergolas around the fountain from the previous project
• Replacement of the pavement
• Replacement of the existing benches within the property, as well as restoration of the flooring under those
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Строително монтажни работи : Тази дейност ще включва извършване на всчики видове строително-монтажни дейности, които основно са следните: • Частичен ремонт на компрометирани участъци на чешмата, захранена с минерална вода, рекламираща и утвърждаваща гр. Девин и общината като курортен и спа център; • Проектираната детска площадка, съобразена с нормативните изисквания за такъв род обекти, осигурява място за отдих и забавления на децата – да се подменят съществуващите съоръжения за смесено ползване, така че да служат само за група 0-3г., като за целта се подмени и удароустойчивата каучукова настила; • Осигуряване на площадка в западната част на имота за възрастова група 3-12г; • Новоизграждане на дървените перголи около чешмата от предходния проект; • Подмяна на тротоарната настилка; • Подмяна на съществуващите пейки в рамките на имота, както и възстановяване на настилката под тези от тях, разположени по улица „Освобождение“ 93 019.04 94 834.38


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).