Saved trees

Programme: Environment Protection and Climate Change

Planning region: All


As a result of the military actions in Ukraine, the prices of energy carriers and fuels have risen sharply, which directly reflects on the cost price of the fish products produced. In 2013, due to the inflation that appeared, a change in consumer preferences was also observed, who were oriented towards the consumption of cheap, low-budget fish imports at the expense of quality and fresh articles with catches originating from the Black Sea. In addition, a number of events occurred in 2023 that reflected on the company's fishing activities, as follows:
1. A dam wall of the huge Nova Kakhovka dam in Ukraine was blown up, and the tidal wave on its way through the Dnieper river carried many pollutants into the Black Sea - fertilizers, preparations, household and industrial waste/water. A number of articles and posts appeared on social networks urging consumers not to consume Black Sea products due to the presence of contamination with pathogens and heavy metals. As a result of these fears among consumers, there was a sharp decrease in sales.
2. In addition, in the Black Sea, the tidal wave from the dam washed away/broke war mines located along the entire length of the Kherson River, posing a threat to shipping.
3. A number of navigation reports were received from Naval Headquarters about the danger of floating mines. A drone carrying a bomb was blown up and fell.
4. A part of the Black Sea, near the Bulgarian water area, was closed to shipping, due to exercises and military shootings of the Russian Federation.
5. Cessation of the grain deal and patrolling of the Russian ship Vasiliy Bykov, which fired warning shots and inspected by landing a civilian ship on board.
6. Harasimov OOD stopped fishing activities.
7. These market disturbances reduced the sales revenue of Harasimov OOD.
In view of the above, the applicant company was forced to limit going out to sea, due to factors posing a danger to the crew and the fishing vessel, as a result of the hostilities.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Предоставяне на компенсация: Предоставяне на компенсация за временно преустановяване на риболовна дейност вследствие на агресивната война на Русия срещу Украйна, която застрашава сигурността на риболовните дейности или възпрепятства икономическата жизнеспособност на риболовните операции 7 950.80 3 975.40


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).