Saved trees

Programme: Environment Protection and Climate Change

Planning region: All


Investment intention /IN/ is for modernization of the production capacity, realization of savings of energy, raw materials and materials in the existing processing. enterprise of ET OCEAN - Jordan Donchev. The current IN will be carried out at a site on the land of the village of Belchin, municipality. Samokov, which is owned by ET OCEAN - Jordan Donchev. The first registration of a fish and fish products processing plant was in 2005. The Ministry of Interior will modernize the established organization of production by using new, more energy and resource efficient, more productive machines and equipment that will not have a negative impact on the environment. The project envisages: 1.Installation of a photovoltaic system with a capacity of 30 kW on the roof of an existing massive building; and 2.Supply of a universal machine for the production of black caviar, fish and rice pies, surimi and fish soups.The new machines comply with the current directives of the European Community, as well as with all hygienic norms and regulations for the use of machines in the food sector /HACCP, ISO9001-2000/.All systems are certified and marked with CE marking and a certificate of conformity. The envisaged new universal machine will guarantee high quality products while reducing production losses and saving energy.ET OCEAN-Jordan Donchev specializes in the production of fish specialties, appetizers and seafood. Our fish products are prepared according to unique recipes giving them excellent taste.ET OCEAN-Jordan Donchev is an established and reliable partner of more than 300 companies in BG.Clients of the company are: Metro, Billa, Fantastico, Sea World, Red Devil, h. Rila, Captain Cook, Tombuktu, Maxi complex, Gara for two and many others. shops, hotels, restaurants, catering companies.The production base meets all modern requirements for food production (HACCP and ISO9001) and is equipped with modern equipment from leading global companies - WeboMatic, Reich, Bitzer and others.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Изграждане и монтаж на Фотоволтаична система - 30 кW: Фотоволтаичната система с мощност 30 кW на ще се монтира на покрива на съществуваща масивна сграда. Фотоволтаичната система ще се използва за собствено потребление. Сградата е двуетажна, скелетно-гредова конструкция с плосък покрив. Стените на сградата са тухлени. На обекта ще се извършват само ремонтни дейности, които не засягат конструкцията на сградата.След монтажа на фотоволтаичните панели категорията на сградата по степен на значимост по ЗУТ не се повишава. Не се променя експлоатационното натоварване на покрива с повече от 5% от досегашното натоварване, съгласно Наредба №3 за основните положения за проектиране на конструкциите на строежите и въздействията върху тях, в сила от 16.04 2005 г. и във връзка с чл.6(3), т.2 от Наредба РД– 02-20-2 от 27.01.2012г. За монтажа е представен съгласуван инвестиционен проект и Разрешение за строеж от Главният архитект на община Самоков 58 100.00 0.00
Закупуване на Универсална машина за производство на черен хайвер, пай с риба и ориз, сурими и супи от риба.: Универсална машина за производство на черен хайвер, пай с риба и ориз, сурими и супи от риба. 331 806.56 331 806.56


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).