Saved trees

Programme: Maritime and Fisheries Programme

Planning region: All


Subject to due process: 1. Разработване на програми относно кръгова икономика и рециклиране / Development of programs on circular economy and recycling, Estimated Amount: 12 000.00
Subject to due process: 2. Разработване и планиране на кампании относно кръговата икономика и рециклирането в училищата / Development and planning of campaigns on the circular economy and recycling in schools, Estimated Amount: 17 280.00
Subject to due process: 3. Промотиране на дейности в подкрепа на рециклирането и повторната употреба на отпадъци / Promoting activities in support of waste recycling and reuse, Estimated Amount: 25 200.00
Subject to due process: 4. Осигуряване на публичност и информираност за проекта / Еnsuring publicity and awareness of the project, Estimated Amount: 6 000.00
Subject to due process: 5. Разходи за материали и консумативи за изпълнение на проектните дейности в училищата/Costs for materials and consumables for the implementation of project activities in schools, Estimated Amount: 10 000.00
Subject to due process: закупуване и доставка на оборудване / purchase and delivery of equipment , Estimated Amount: 3 728.40
Subject to due process: закупуване и доставка на оборудване / purchase and delivery of equipment, Estimated Amount: 5 788.80
Subject to due process: Одит/Audit, Estimated Amount: 180.00
Subject to due process: Одит/Audit, Estimated Amount: 350.00
Subject to due process: Одит/Audit, Estimated Amount: 456.00
Subject to due process: Одит/Audit, Estimated Amount: 480.00
Subject to due process: Одит/Audit, Estimated Amount: 528.00
Subject to due process: Одит/Audit, Estimated Amount: 1 140.00
Subject to due process: публикации в печатни медии / publications in print media, Estimated Amount: 720.00
Subject to due process: публикации в печатни медии / publications in print media , Estimated Amount: 750.00
Subject to due process: Разходи за материали и консумативи за изпълнение на проектните дейности в училищата/Costs for materials and consumables for the implementation of project activities in schools , Estimated Amount: 6 800.00
Subject to due process: Разходи за материали и консумативи за изпълнение на проектните дейности в училищата/Costs for materials and consumables for the implementation of project activities in schools , Estimated Amount: 7 500.00
Subject to due process: Разходи за материали и консумативи за изпълнение на проектните дейности в училищата/Costs for materials and consumables for the implementation of project activities in schools , Estimated Amount: 8 200.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).