Saved trees

Programme: Maritime and Fisheries Programme

Planning region: All


The current investment project under sub-measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings is aimed at purchasing agricultural machinery and specialized equipment for the purpose of raising 250 sheep in an existing livestock farm in the village of Manaselska Reka, municipality of Pravets, obl. Sofia region, PI 011009, Dragankov Rat area.
The planned investment in new, modern equipment will significantly improve the quality and technological characteristics of forage crops, will help meet agronomic deadlines, reduce production costs and create a fleet adequate to achieve the necessary balance for economically stable production.
In order to optimally and correctly carry out agro-technical measures for sheep breeding and their milk production, a sheep feed strip with a feeder for 8 feeding stations, specifically related to animal nutrition and a milking installation that will optimally serve the milk production processes will be put into operation. during the lactation period of the animals.
Mechanization in itself is a guarantee for sustainable development of the farm and protection of the biosecurity of the livestock farm, as better nutrition will reduce the risk of development and spread of animal diseases. In addition, the own cultivation of the feed with the equipment subject to the investment can guarantee the origin of the feed and reduce the risk of external factors causing contamination.
The project proposal includes an application form, business plan, technical, financial-accounting and declarative information and other applicable documents, according to the requirements of Procedure № BG06RDNP001-4.008 under Sub-measure 4.1.
The business plan reflects the production program of the entire activity of the farm (livestock), indicates the economic and financial condition of the applicant, an analysis of its activities and reflects the forecasts for the development of the farm in this sector.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на оборудване и земеделска техника за овцеферма: Планираната инвестиция в нова, съвременна техника значително ще подобри качествените и технологични характеристики на фуражните култури, ще помогне за спазването на агротехническите срокове, ще намали разходите за производство и ще създаде машинен парк, достатъчно адекватен за достигане на необходимия баланс за икономически стабилно производство. В самата ферма, с оглед оптимално и правилно извършване на агротехнически мероприятия по отглеждане на овцете и техния млеконадой, ще бъдат въведени в експлоатация хранителна лента за овце с хранилка за 8 хранителни станции, конкретно свързани с храненето на животните. Доилната инсталация ще обслужва оптимално процесите по млеконадоя в периода на лактация на животните. 322 882.42 294 980.82


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).